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Debunking the Misconception: Gaming as a Beneficial Pursuit

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I was thrilled to have been in the sunny City of Angels (Los Angeles, CA) for last weekend's (August 25–26, 2023) Amazon Web Services (AWS) VALORANT Champions VIP Hospitality experience. I was involved in some Tech Talks and had the privilege to watch the Riot Games—VALORANT Champions final.

Unlike my other tech blogs, this one is different, and I will talk about gaming.

We had a very interesting discussion on the concept of the Valorant game with Alex “Goldenboy” Mendez, who is an esports host and commentator with roots as a competitive Call of Duty player. Followed by a roundtable speaking engagement with key technical leaders from AWS and Riot Games.

AWS x Riot partnership —

AWS and Riot Games have teamed up to transform how Riot’s Esports content is created and distributed in the cloud and reimagine how fans can experience League of Legends, VALORANT, and League of Legends: Wild Rift Esports events through AWS’ first-ever data analytics integration for esports broadcasts.

In July 2022, Riot Games announced they were going all-in on AWS, focused on powering Riot’s infrastructure, including their new global content factories that publish Riot’s esports, music production, analytics, statistics, and animation. Other possible workloads include leveraging AWS instances to create a future slate of cloud-based on-demand and live content, and using AWS to power the build-out of Riot’s cloud-first production facilities based in Dublin, APAC, and Seattle.

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How Riot has advanced in broadcast and gaming experience

Riot already uses AWS’ services across its games to focus on how it designs and deploys content to help provide the best possible game experience, using edge computing like AWS Outposts and AWS Local Zones. Riot aims for latency under 80 milliseconds for League of Legends, and under 35 milliseconds for Valorant. Now Riot is going to use AWS to enhance its esports broadcasts throughout each competitive season for LoL Esports, the Valorant Champions Tour, and Wild Rift Esports.

As part of the collaboration, Riot is selecting AWS as its official cloud artificial intelligence, cloud machine learning, cloud deep learning, and cloud services provider. It’s impressive that a game company like Riot has to use a lot of those technologies to get its games out these days.

Now let us talk about Valorant game and general misconception about gaming.

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What is Valorant?
Valorant is a team-based first-person tactical hero shooter set in the near future. Players play as one of a set of Agents, characters based on several countries and cultures around the world. In the main game mode, players are assigned to either the attacking or defending team, with each team having five players on it.

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Objective of the game
The aim is to become the first team to win 13 rounds. To accomplish this, players must either eliminate the members of the opposing team or finish the objective assigned to them. For Attackers, this involves planting a spike (or the game’s equivalent of a bomb). Another unique feature of Valorant is its use of character abilities. Each character has a set of abilities that can be used to gain an advantage in combat.

Game results:

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The Misconception:

For years, gaming has been associated with negative connotations. Concerns about addiction, violence, social isolation, and negative impacts on physical and mental health have fueled the belief that gaming is a bad habit. However, it’s important to remember that, like any form of entertainment, moderation is key. Just as binge-watching television shows or spending excessive time on social media can have negative effects, so can overindulging in gaming.

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The Reality: The Advantages of Gaming

  1. Cognitive Benefits: Contrary to popular belief, gaming can have a positive impact on cognitive abilities. Many video games like Valorant require strategic thinking, problem-solving, and quick decision-making. Games like puzzle-solving adventures, strategy simulations, and even some action games enhance players’ analytical and critical thinking skills.
  2. Coordination and Reflexes: Action-oriented games like Valorant demand high levels of hand-eye coordination and fast reflexes. Gamers often develop better motor skills and reaction times, which can extend to improved performance in daily activities.
  3. Teamwork and Collaboration: Multiplayer games like Valorant, whether played online or in person, encourage players to collaborate, communicate, and work as a team to achieve goals. This can translate into real-world scenarios where teamwork is essential.
  4. Creativity and Imagination: Many games immerse players in expansive worlds and narratives, fostering creativity and imagination. Games like Minecraft have even been used as tools for education, allowing players to construct and explore their own imaginative creations.
  5. Stress Relief: Gaming can provide an effective escape from the stresses of everyday life. Engaging in a virtual world can be a healthy way to unwind and relax, much like reading a book or watching a movie.
  6. Learning Opportunities: Simulation games, historical strategy games, and educational games offer players a chance to learn about various subjects in an interactive manner. Players can gain insights into history, science, economics, and more, often without even realising it.
  7. Persistence and Resilience: Many games present challenges and obstacles that require repeated attempts to overcome. This cultivates persistence, resilience, and the understanding that success often comes after multiple failures.
  8. Social Interaction: Contrary to the notion that gaming promotes social isolation, online multiplayer games facilitate social interaction among players from around the world. These interactions can lead to friendships, teamwork, and even a sense of belonging within gaming communities.

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Moderation is Key
It’s essential to acknowledge that while gaming offers numerous advantages, excessive or irresponsible gaming can indeed lead to negative consequences. Balance is crucial. Just as one wouldn’t spend every waking moment watching television, individuals should manage their gaming time wisely.

Final Thoughts
Gaming is a multifaceted hobby that extends far beyond mere entertainment. It’s a realm where creativity, critical thinking, teamwork, and stress relief coalesce. By dispelling the misconception that gaming is inherently a bad habit, we can better appreciate its potential to enhance cognitive abilities, improve social skills, and provide a healthy outlet for relaxation.

So, let’s shift our perspective and recognise that the world of gaming is rich with opportunities for growth and enrichment. I personally look at it as a professional sport. As with any activity, the key lies in approaching it mindfully and striking a balance that aligns with a fulfilling and well-rounded life.

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GianCannavaro • Edited

Game development is a truly complex process that requires a lot of time, skills and, of course, investment. But we, as players, have a wide selection of different games. Nowadays, not only the original cs go is popular, but also various new solutions such as cs go gaming sites. Mystery box, by the way, will be a cool addition, which is definitely worth learning more about.

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josepruitt56 • Edited

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