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Cover image for Start a new VanillaJS, React, Node.js, Eleventy or Svelte project with minimal dependencies
Brian Gershon
Brian Gershon

Posted on • Originally published at

Start a new VanillaJS, React, Node.js, Eleventy or Svelte project with minimal dependencies

Each time I start a project I want a minimal template to get going. "Minimal" meaning least complicated and smallest number of dependencies while still having features every JavaScript project needs.

These repositories are all Github templates, so you can create a fresh repo using them.

Vanilla JavaScript starter with minimal dependencies. Support for ECMAScript modules, hot reloading, lint and unit testing. Plus Github CI workflow.

React Starter with minimal dependencies. Support for ECMAScript modules, hot reloading, lint and unit testing. Plus Github CI workflow.

Node.js Starter with minimal dependencies. Support for ECMAScript modules, lint and unit testing. Plus Github CI workflow. Does not require Babel nor a bundler.

Eleventy Site Generator Starter is the most minimal Eleventy site, created as part of my Choose Your Own Adventure with Eleventy presentation.

Svelte Component Library Starter compiles Svelte components into ES5 and bundles as an ECMAScript module with minimal dependencies. Support for hot reloading, lint and testing. Plus Github CI workflow.

Top comments (2)

daviddalbusco profile image
David Dal Busco

Pretty cool, thank for the share, might used one of these one of these days, bookmarked ๐Ÿ˜‰

It made me also think how much I like Stencil. The compiler as dependency, maybe the router and that's it, done, all I need is there.

briangershon profile image
Brian Gershon

Thanks David, will check out Stencil!