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My 2022 in review

The year 2022 was and is a year that stood out for me as a programmer and a student. In this article, I hope to go through some of my accomplishments, what I learned and some of my next year's goals. Hopefully, you would get a thing or two out of this, so shall we?

πŸ”° The beginning:

This year started out busy. I had just learned the art of writing and was getting the hang of it. Remix had just released v1 a few days before and I loved it 😍. Due to its simplicity and reliance on the core fundamentals, it was a framework that had come to stay.

I also made the resolution to write one article a week from the start of this year, and surprisingly, I always did that. Always. Until I didn't.

🏫 Sch...what?!:

That's right, I went back to school. That was in March, and writing wasn't something I could keep up with.

A bit about my schooling, it was a Software Engineering program at Semicolon. It's a one-year accelerated program and was swell! I joined in March and my weeks just flew by in a blur. It was busy but worth it in my journey.

I learned a lot during my months there, programming languages, methodologies and much more. Plus the great colleagues I met.

The end?:

During this year, I was privileged to work at two different companies. The first was a three months contract I did with a non-Nigerian startup. It was a stepping stone for me as a Software Engineer. I learned quite a lot during those three months too. I joined NaeroSpace in August and have been with them since. It was a wild ride cause I joined when it was an early startup and have been with them till it wasn't.

I'm approaching the end of my course and yes, I am less busy. I hope to pick up the slack and resume my writing. I have one major open-sourced project that I paused maintenance on (remix-pwa), I would be continuing my active maintenance of the package.

🏁 Highlights & Goals:

I have had a year to learn, fail and try again with Remix πŸ’Ώ. I also learned interesting facts and know-how whilst learning at Semicolon, I would be writing on all these things collectively from next year. I aim to be more diversified and impactful in my writing next year.

Talking about impact, I love my current job and what we do. In summary, we provide solutions to Africa's problems with aerospace technologies. Over my years writing code, I have crossed paths with engineers at multiple points in their careers and picked up a thing or two from discussions on careers and impact. I would be writing more on careers, career tips and using the skill of programming to make an impact. Stay tuned!

I love to read about diverse topics. A lot. I definitely would write more on these next year from what I learned from these books. It should be a blast!

I have been using the Test Driven Development (TDD) approach in a lot of projects I write in other languages. For some reason, I never got the hang of JavaScript testing tools (except Cypress). I am hoping to pick these technologies up and build more projects with them.

Finally, I hope to be building more side projects. I have some SaaS in mind for next year (thank you @tigerabrodi) and would announce it if I ever advance on this idea. I build more side-projects, learn more, share them with you dear readers and iterate.

That's it for now, folks! Hopefully, we would engage more often over the coming weeks to exchange ideas and hold discussions. I would hopefully get back to Twitter despite recent events. It was nice to write again and I would definitely be doing it again. Till next time!

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