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Stan Bright
Stan Bright

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21 Helpful and trending Ruby gems.

Heya fellow Ruby devs!

I'm sure you that if you are a seasoned ruby expert, that you already know most of these gems. I will also bet that you are using at least some of them. However! I'm promising that you will find something new and useful, too. For example, I found Ferrum only a few months ago, and it's been delightfully easy to navigate a headless chrome with it (compared to Selenium. Selenium was always giving me some hard time for some reason.)

The list was extracted from LibHunt Ruby.

It's interesting that we have two different Admin UIs that are trending. I think this is indicative that our community needs a more useful Admin UI gem. Of course I know about ActiveAdmin and rails_admin. I've tried both of them, and they are surely useful but not perfect. I'd say Python tops us here with their Django admin. Anyways, it's great to see some active development in this direction in the ruby community.

Basecamp/Rails is working hard with trending work on four gems - solid_queue, solid_cache, console1984 & kamal. Many thanks for that. I'm not using solid_queue and solid_cache yet; however, they are definitely on my radar for my next project.

Without further ado, here's the list. Please note that it's not ordered by number of stars but rather by stars growth (percentage).

p.s. is there a gem you'd like to be added to the list :)?

Library Description Resources
multiwoven logo 0.6k multiwoven
- Data Analysis, data-engineering, data-ingestion, reverse-etl, data-pipeline
🔥 Open Source Reverse ETL and Customer Data Platform (CDP). An open-source alternative to Hightouch, Census, and RudderStack. Repo, Web, Alternatives
solid_queue logo 1.5k solid_queue
- Queue, background-jobs, active-job, Rails, ruby-on-rails
Database-backed Active Job backend Repo, Alternatives
langchainrb logo 1.1k langchainrb
- Artificial intelligence, langchain, Machine Learning, ML, Rubyml
Build LLM-powered applications in Ruby Repo, Web, Alternatives
Grover logo 0.9k Grover
A Ruby gem to transform HTML into PDFs, PNGs or JPEGs using Google Puppeteer/Chromium Repo, Docs, Alternatives
docuseal logo 5.2k docuseal
- Documents, PDF, self-hosted, daisyui, document-signing
Open source DocuSign alternative. Create, fill, and sign digital documents ✍️ Repo, Web, Alternatives
solid_cache logo 0.7k solid_cache
- Cache, Rails, Performance
A database-backed ActiveSupport::Cache::Store Repo, Alternatives
rage logo 0.7k rage
- Web, Web Framework, Rails
Fast web framework compatible with Rails. Repo, Alternatives
maybe logo 26.5k maybe
- Finance, Nextjs, personal-finance, React, NodeJS
The OS for your personal finances Repo, Web, Alternatives
Amazing Print logo 0.7k Amazing Print
- pretty-print, terminal tools
Pretty print your Ruby objects with style -- in full color and with proper indentation Repo, Alternatives
phlex logo 1.1k phlex
- Template engine, Ruby, view-components, UI Components, phlex
A framework for building object-oriented views in Ruby. Repo, Web, Docs, Alternatives
console1984 logo 0.6k console1984
- Privacy, Security, Rails
The Rails console you love, 1984 style Repo, Alternatives logo 2.2k
- eol, end-of-life, release-schedule, release-policy, Windows
Informative site with EoL dates of everything Repo, Web, Alternatives
sidekiq-throttled logo 0.7k sidekiq-throttled
- Sidekiq, Throttling, Concurrency, threshold
Concurrency and rate-limit throttling for Sidekiq Repo, Alternatives
ruby-science logo 0.5k ruby-science
- Book
The reference for writing fantastic Rails applications Repo, Alternatives
ronin logo 0.6k ronin
- Security, Ruby, Hacking, Infosec, ctf-tools
Ronin is a Free and Open Source Ruby Toolkit for Security Research and Development. Ronin also allows for the rapid development and distribution of code, exploits, payloads, etc, via 3rd party git repositories. Repo, Web, Docs, Alternatives
motor-admin-rails logo 0.7k motor-admin-rails
- Admin Interface, Rails, Admin, Crud, Business Intelligence
Low-code Admin panel and Business intelligence Rails engine. No DSL - configurable from the UI. Rails Admin, Active Admin, Blazer modern alternative. Repo, Web, Alternatives
heya logo 0.7k heya
- Email, Rails, email-marketing, actionmailer
Heya 👋 is a campaign mailer for Rails. Think of it like ActionMailer, but for timed email sequences. It can also perform other actions like sending a text message. Repo, Web, Alternatives
kamal logo 9.0k kamal
- Deploy, Rails, Docker, Ops
Deploy web apps anywhere. Repo, Web, Alternatives
Avo logo 1.4k Avo
- Admin Interface, Rails, Ruby, Admin, Crud
Build Ruby on Rails apps 10x faster Repo, Web, Docs, Alternatives
Postal logo 14.1k Postal
- Communication systems, Email, Mail Transfer Agents, Ruby, Mail
📮 A fully featured open source mail delivery platform for incoming & outgoing e-mail Repo, Web, Alternatives
ferrum logo 1.6k ferrum
- Chrome, Chromium, Headless, headless-chrome, Web
Headless Chrome Ruby API Repo, Web, Alternatives

Top comments (1)

dev188007 profile image
Winston Sosa • Edited

👍 Great! I really appreciate this fantastic resource!
I'm also a fan of Ruby on Rails and currently searching for excellent self-study materials.
Thank you for sharing your wonderful blog.
Looking forward to your next post!