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Dmitry Broshkov
Dmitry Broshkov

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Advantages of Chatbots in the Healthcare Sector

The world of healthcare is constantly changing and adopting new technologies. Each year brings its own improvements and new advancements. Today, we see the introduction of modern innovations such as artificial intelligence, neuro symbolic AI and natural language processing technologies being utilized in hospitals, research and the daily practice of physicians.

Recently, the spread of virtual assistants and chatbots, which are based on artificial intelligence, has become very noticeable. They are being actively implemented not only in medical institutions and scientific laboratories, but also in pharmacies and elderly care facilities. This is understandable, as people expect prompt and convenient service in today's digital world. Verified Market Research shows that the healthcare chatbots market is valued at USD 194.85 million in 2021 and is expected to reach USD 943.64 million by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 19.16% from 2022 to 2030.

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Global Chatbot Market [source](

A healthcare chatbot is an innovative solution in virtual customer service and healthcare management. This automated tool is designed to simulate an intelligent conversation with humans.

Artificial intelligence-based healthcare chatbots are able to quickly process simple requests and provide a convenient way for users to get information. They also offer a more personalized approach to interacting with healthcare services compared to browsing a website or talking to a call center. In fact, according to Salesforce, 86% of customers prefer getting answers from chatbots than filling out forms on websites. This is also true in the healthcare industry, where chatbots are becoming an integral part of service and communication.

Let's take a look at the benefits that chatbots can bring to the healthcare industry:

Reducing wait times

Thanks to AI technologies, chatbots can respond to requests promptly, sometimes even better than a human. They can also recognize situations where a patient needs immediate assistance, such as in case of emergencies.

24/7 availability

Chatbots are available around the clock, providing instant access to care whenever patients need it, avoiding long waits or inconvenient schedules.

Help with disease management

Chatbots help patients better manage chronic conditions or receive emergency care in critical situations, which helps improve patient satisfaction and outcomes.

Quick access to information

Chatbots provide quick access to important information such as the location of medical facilities, their hours of operation, pharmacies and prescription medications, and can answer specific patient questions about health and medical procedures.

Cost savings

The use of chatbots helps avoid unnecessary costs for lab tests and other expensive procedures, providing better management of patient health.

Improved satisfaction

Chatbots, with their ability to understand patient needs, provide humanized care, improving satisfaction for both healthcare providers and patients.


Patients can feel more comfortable communicating with a chatbot and keeping their information confidential, which is especially important when discussing sensitive medical issues.

How Can Chatbots Be Used?

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Businesses in healthcare are increasingly turning to the use of chatbots to improve communication with patients, doctors, and staff. Here are some examples of how chatbots can be used in this area:

Symptom Assessment

Patients can describe their symptoms to a chatbot, which uses artificial intelligence algorithms to provide an initial assessment of the condition and treatment recommendations. If necessary, the chatbot refers the patient to a physician for a consultation.

Making appointments

Chatbots can quickly and accurately help patients book appointments by taking into account their medical and insurance information and finding the most convenient appointment time.

Prescription refills

Chatbots provide patients with educational information about diseases, treatment procedures, and preventive health care to promote health literacy and health self-management.

Help with coverage and claims

Chatbots help patients understand their rights and options for health insurance coverage and provide instructions on how to file a claim if needed.

Mental health support

Chatbots offer confidential support and advice on improving mental wellbeing. They can refer patients to specialists or provide initial crisis support.

Education and information

Chatbots can provide educational information about diseases, procedures and more, helping patients better understand their health and treatment.

Collecting feedback

Chatbots actively collect feedback from patients on the quality of care, which helps improve processes and customer satisfaction.

Vaccination reminders

Chatbots send notifications when vaccinations are due and help patients order prescription refills, ensuring continuity of care.

These examples of chatbots are only part of the potential of this technology, which continues to evolve and improve. Thanks to chatbots, healthcare businesses can make their work more efficient, convenient and accessible to all.

Improving Patient Care With Chatbots.

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The use of chatbots in healthcare greatly simplifies and improves the patient experience by making communication with healthcare providers more convenient and efficient.

Healthcare chatbots can help people find nearby medical services or know where to go if they need certain help. For example, if someone has a broken bone, they may be unsure if they need to go to the hospital or go to the ER. Health chatbots can direct them to the right place to get the help they need. They take into account accessibility to public transportation, traffic on the road, and other factors to find the most convenient facility.

Chatbots can also provide information about various public health issues such as COVID-19, flu or measles. Especially recently, chatbots have become a valuable tool for communicating with patients without risking the health of medical personnel.

For example:

  • Guide patients with serious symptoms to suitable medical facilities with the right equipment and staff.
  • Provide 24-hour access to up-to-date information about COVID-19, including symptoms and answers to common questions.
  • Assist with organizing vaccinations and finding convenient vaccination sites.
  • Support patients in dealing with the emotional stress of the pandemic.

Table "Integration with health systems"

Technology HL7 FHIR API

const axios = require('axios');

async function getPatientData(patientId) {
    const response = await axios.get(`${patientId}`);

import requests

def get_patient_data(patient_id):
    url = f'{patient_id}'
    response = requests.get(url)
    return response.json()
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

This code is an example of integration with healthcare systems to retrieve patient data through the HL7 FHIR API technology. Both code snippets demonstrate the use of different programming languages (JavaScript and Python) to accomplish the same goal of retrieving patient data from a medical system.

The JavaScript code uses the axios library to perform a GET request to the medical system API, specifying the patient ID in the URL. The retrieved data is returned as a data object (

The Python code uses the requests library to perform a GET request to the electronic health record API specifying the patient ID in the URL. The received data is returned as JSON (response.json()).

Are you considering implementing conversational chatbots using artificial intelligence in healthcare?

Innovations in artificial intelligence portend a bright future for healthcare professionals and patients. Expert predictions indicate a steady growth in the use of chatbots, with the market size estimated to reach $943.64 million by 2030. Artificial intelligence technologies continue to improve, providing an even more humanized, safe, and reliable experience for patients.

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