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frappe task to learning purpose

An advanced task for Frappe could involve implementing a custom workflow and automation for a specific business process, integrating multiple Frappe modules and custom Doctypes. Here's a detailed task:

Task: Implement a Custom Leave Management Workflow with Approval Hierarchy and Automated Email Notifications


Create a custom Leave Management module in Frappe with an automated approval workflow, integrating approval levels, and automated email notifications at each stage of the approval process.

Task Breakdown:

  1. Create Custom Doctypes:

    • Create a new custom Doctype for Leave Applications that includes the following fields:
      • Employee (Link field to Employee Doctype)
      • Leave Type (Link field to Leave Type Doctype)
      • From Date
      • To Date
      • Reason (Text field)
      • Approver (Link field to Employee Doctype for the approver)
      • Approval Status (Select field with values: Draft, Pending, Approved, Rejected)
      • Remarks (For approvers to add notes)
  2. Define Workflow:

    • Define a custom workflow for leave approval with the following stages:
      • Employee submits a leave application (Status: Draft)
      • Application moves to the first level of approver (Status: Pending)
      • The approver can either approve (Status: Approved) or reject (Status: Rejected)
      • The workflow should support multiple levels of approval, e.g., Manager → HR → Director.
  3. Automate Email Notifications:

    • Set up automated email notifications for different stages:
      • On submission of the leave application, notify the immediate approver.
      • On approval/rejection, notify the employee and the next approver (if multi-level).
      • Use Email Alert and Notification in Frappe to handle these.
  4. Leave Balance Validation:

    • Implement logic to validate the available leave balance before allowing the employee to submit the leave application.
    • If the leave balance is insufficient, the system should throw a validation error and prevent submission.
  5. Custom Script for Client-Side Validation:

    • Add client-side scripting (JavaScript) to:
      • Show real-time leave balance for the selected leave type.
      • Validate that the "To Date" is not earlier than "From Date".
      • Automatically set the employee’s manager as the first approver based on their designation.
  6. Leave Summary Report:

    • Create a custom Leave Summary report that shows:
      • Total leaves applied, approved, and rejected by each employee.
      • Leave balances for different leave types.
      • Pending approvals for each approver.
  7. Integration with Payroll:

    • Integrate the Leave Management system with the Payroll module so that any unpaid leave affects the payroll calculation.
    • Adjust the salary based on unpaid leaves during payroll processing.
  8. Custom Permission Rules:

    • Set up role-based permissions:
      • Employees can only view and submit their own leave applications.
      • Approvers can view and approve/reject leave applications assigned to them.
      • HR can view all leave applications.
  9. Testing and Deployment:

    • Thoroughly test the entire workflow, including leave submission, approval, rejection, notifications, and payroll integration.
    • Deploy the solution to a staging environment before going live.

This task involves creating custom Doctypes, workflows, scripting, email automation, and integration with the payroll system, which offers a comprehensive challenge for managing leave workflows in a Frappe-based environment.

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