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🍃 30 Elm Picks to Fuel Your Functional Code

compiler/hints at master · elm/compiler

compiler/hints at master · elm/compiler

Compiler for Elm, a functional language for reliable webapps. - elm/compiler
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Elm on Exercism

Elm on Exercism

Get fluent in Elm by solving 93 exercises. And then level up with mentoring from our world-class team.
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GitHub - simonewebdesign/elm-new: 💾 Generate a new Elm project from the command line (Elm 0.16+)

GitHub - simonewebdesign/elm-new: 💾 Generate a new Elm project from the command line (Elm 0.16+)

💾 Generate a new Elm project from the command line (Elm 0.16+) - simonewebdesign/elm-new
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The Pragmatic Studio

The Pragmatic Studio

Premium video courses for software developers. Real apps. Real code. Really good stuff!
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Creating an Elm App with IHP

Creating an Elm App with IHP

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GitHub - vendrinc/elm-gql

GitHub - vendrinc/elm-gql

Contribute to vendrinc/elm-gql development by creating an account on GitHub.
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GitHub - guillaumearm/elm-boilerplate: A simple Makefile able to create a new Elm app

GitHub - guillaumearm/elm-boilerplate: A simple Makefile able to create a new Elm app

A simple Makefile able to create a new Elm app. Contribute to guillaumearm/elm-boilerplate development by creating an account on GitHub.
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GitHub - halfzebra/create-elm-app: 🍃 Create Elm apps with zero configuration

GitHub - halfzebra/create-elm-app: 🍃 Create Elm apps with zero configuration

🍃 Create Elm apps with zero configuration. Contribute to halfzebra/create-elm-app development by creating an account on GitHub.
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Elm with Richard Feldman and Srinivas Rao - Software Engineering Daily

Elm with Richard Feldman and Srinivas Rao - Software Engineering Daily

"There are entire days where I don’t even look at the browser when I’m coding in Elm because I just know its going to work.” Elm is a functional programming language for web browsers. Continue reading…
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GitHub - ElmCast/elm-vim: Elm plugin for Vim

GitHub - ElmCast/elm-vim: Elm plugin for Vim

Elm plugin for Vim. Contribute to ElmCast/elm-vim development by creating an account on GitHub.
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Elm Camp

Elm Camp

An Elm unconference taking place at Colehayes Park, Devon UK. Tue 18th - Fri 21st June
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Elm Tutorials and Insights | Codementor Community

Elm Tutorials and Insights | Codementor Community

Learn about the latest trends in Elm. Read tutorials, posts, and insights from top Elm experts and developers for free.
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GitHub - hmsk/vite-plugin-elm: A plugin for Vite enables you to compile an Elm application/document/element

GitHub - hmsk/vite-plugin-elm: A plugin for Vite enables you to compile an Elm application/document/element

A plugin for Vite enables you to compile an Elm application/document/element - hmsk/vite-plugin-elm
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GitHub - avh4/elm-program-test at 3.0.0

GitHub - avh4/elm-program-test at 3.0.0

Test Elm programs. Contribute to avh4/elm-program-test development by creating an account on GitHub.
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Effects as Data | Richard Feldman | Reactive 2015

Effects as Data | Richard Feldman | Reactive 2015

Imagine a world without side effects, where the only way to make things happen was to call functions whose return values described what you wanted done. What...
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GitHub - brenopanzolini/pokelmon: Elm project consuming PokéAPI

GitHub - brenopanzolini/pokelmon: Elm project consuming PokéAPI

Elm project consuming PokéAPI. Contribute to brenopanzolini/pokelmon development by creating an account on GitHub.
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GitHub - agrafix/elm-bridge: Haskell: Derive Elm types from Haskell types

GitHub - agrafix/elm-bridge: Haskell: Derive Elm types from Haskell types

Haskell: Derive Elm types from Haskell types. Contribute to agrafix/elm-bridge development by creating an account on GitHub.
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elm-conf 2019

elm-conf 2019

elm-conf is a one-day conference for the Elm programming language, returning September 12 2019 to St. Louis, MO.
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Glitch: The friendly community where everyone builds the web

Glitch: The friendly community where everyone builds the web

Simple, powerful, free tools to create and use millions of apps.
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GitHub - dillonkearns/elm-typescript-interop: Generate TypeScript declaration files for your elm ports!

GitHub - dillonkearns/elm-typescript-interop: Generate TypeScript declaration files for your elm ports!

Generate TypeScript declaration files for your elm ports! - dillonkearns/elm-typescript-interop
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GitHub - stil4m/elm-analyse: A tool that allows you to analyse your Elm code, identify deficiencies and apply best practices.

GitHub - stil4m/elm-analyse: A tool that allows you to analyse your Elm code, identify deficiencies and apply best practices.

A tool that allows you to analyse your Elm code, identify deficiencies and apply best practices. - stil4m/elm-analyse
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GitHub - anmolitor/travelm-agency: Compile time internationalization for Elm supporting multiple input and output formats

GitHub - anmolitor/travelm-agency: Compile time internationalization for Elm supporting multiple input and output formats

Compile time internationalization for Elm supporting multiple input and output formats - anmolitor/travelm-agency
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GitHub - johannesvollmer/regex-nodes: Visualize and edit regular expressions for use in javascript.

GitHub - johannesvollmer/regex-nodes: Visualize and edit regular expressions for use in javascript.

Visualize and edit regular expressions for use in javascript. - GitHub - johannesvollmer/regex-nodes: Visualize and edit regular expressions for use in javascript.
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A nice app on Elm street

A nice app on Elm street

A complete guide on how to use Elm with React: If you've ever worked with Redux – in the context of a React application or not – you may have heard numerous times that it was inspired not only by Flux (which it followed) but also by the Elm architecture.
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GitHub - glung/elm-architecture-android: An example of the ELM architecture on Android using Kotlin with Anko

GitHub - glung/elm-architecture-android: An example of the ELM architecture on Android using Kotlin with Anko

An example of the ELM architecture on Android using Kotlin with Anko - glung/elm-architecture-android
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