main points from this blog post:
- demo:
- improving download page design and content
- building a second "advanced" download page
I am tasked with contributing to the debianhugo project which aim is to re-design the old debian pages and make the content better accessible. We've since reached a significant milestone and migrated multiple pages including the start, intro, news and now the download page.
creating "simple" and "advanced" download pages
At first we made the "simple" download page:
- target audience; less experienced users
- only added more common download arhitectures/options i.e amd64-64 bit pc and arm64
- descriptive content for easy user experience; listing positives and negatives of each option, adding download sizes
- interactive download cards with iso, torrent and
mirror selections.
"advanced" download page:
- more download architectures and options including testing release streams
- straight to point content
challenges/issues while developing
The mirror selection option while it might help with faster downloads depending on the region is still somewhat a manual proccess on the user end and could come with various complications like the chosen debian-cd
mirror not having the latest version of debian.
We're looking into testing if the delivery of the images/ISOs is also possible to be done through the Fastly CDN, this would prevent us to provide manual mirror selection.
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