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1124 Kanishka Bhatia
1124 Kanishka Bhatia

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Indian Law for a Comman Man: A Simple Law Guide for Every Indian by Shree Krishna Seelam

"To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity" by Nelson Mandela

This quotation reimburses a very strong thought into our minds of how absence of law and unawareness of rights pose threat to the very virtue of humanity.

The book " Indian law for a comman man: A simple Law Guide for Every Indian" by Shree Krishna Seelam illuminates the principle of law and how it empowers the citizens and comman man with the realisation of their strength.

The highlights of the book enumerates the understanding of law in an insightful manner.

1) Introducing Constitution: i) The Preamble adopted on 26 November 1949 promotes objective and virtues like Justice, Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, Sovereignty, Socialism, Secularism and Democratic Republic.

ii) The fundamental Rights (Article 14-32) and fundamental duties under 42 Constitutional amendment of 1976 empower citizens with the enforceable rights and duties towards their country.

iii) The Constitutional Protection under 5 writs namely Habeas Corpus, Mandamus, Certiorari, Prohibition and Quo Warranto enable comman man to seek justice who knock at the door of courts in case of infringement of rights.

2) Judicial System: The independent and well laid structure of judicial system contains Supreme court at the top followed by High court and District court, Panchayats to re embark the procedure of justice.

Also , the use of PILs has been elaboratory explained.

3) Laws : i) Criminal Law: The Indian Penal Code born in 1860 is the backbone of Indian criminal law. Different acts committed under the law, with the application of crpc and procedure of arrest and bails along with trials and process of seeking Juvenile justice.

ii) Civil Law: The code of civil law procedure (CPC), the rulebook that dictates the conduct of civil procedures. Also, the integral elements involving contract law and law of injunction has been highlighted .

iii) Family Law: The Hindu Law, Muslim Law and Christian Law along with Special Marriage Act and Alimony and maintanence has been put forth.

With the upcoming cases like that of Atul subhash awareness of such alimony laws become more crucial.

iv) Labour laws: The exploitation of labour and workers in working sector is a prominent issue of conflict. There are many laws including ESI act 1948, The payment wages act 1986, The Maternity Benefit act,1961, The Trade unions Act 1926 to protect employees from further degradation of their professional lives by employers.

v) Environmental Laws: Environment degradation is one of the biggest challenges we have, I think a question that we are not asking ourselves is: Isn't humanity committing suicide with this indiscriminate and tyrannical use of nature?

This situation has underlined the need for protection of environment which can be addressed only with the laws like Water Prevention and Control of Pollution Act 1974, Environment Protection Act 1986 , Forest Protection Act 1980 , Wildlife Protection Act 1972.

Here is a report on climate action by UN :

4) How to seek help: i) Initiate** legal action **by filing a case and following the entire legal procedure.

ii) Finding a suitable legal help like advocate, legal consultants who have expertise and knowledge of imparting right course of action.

iii) Opting for Alternative Dispute Resolution(ADR) . It could be implemented using instruments lie Arbitration, Mediation, conciliation and Lok Adalats.

The book opens up the portal to understand the foundational aspects of how law operates around us .

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