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Check Out My New CV as a Full Stack .NET Developer!

🚀 Excited to Share My New CV! 🚀

I'm thrilled to present my updated CV, showcasing my journey as a Full Stack .NET Developer. Over the past few years, I have gained hands-on experience in developing scalable web applications using ASP.NET Core, Blazor, SignalR, Entity Framework, and much more. I've worked on exciting projects like 'Noshi', a food ordering app, and 'The-Mart', an e-commerce platform, which allowed me to hone my skills in both backend and frontend development, 'TailsBlaor' a Component Library for Blazor Applications!

💡 Key Highlights:

  • Proficient in building responsive UIs with HTML, CSS, and Blazor. Expertise in ASP.NET Core for backend development and building robust APIs.
  • Skilled in real-time communication with SignalR and JWT authentication for secure applications.
  • Hands-on experience with SQL Server, Entity Framework, and Azure for cloud deployments.
  • Passionate about creating developer content and sharing knowledge through YouTube videos on .NET development.

I’m now looking forward to new opportunities where I can apply my skills, learn from others, and continue growing as a developer. Feel free to check out my CV and reach out if you know of any exciting roles or projects! 💼


Links :

LinkedIn : LinkedIn
Github : Github
Portfolio : Portfolio
resume : pdf | cv

Top comments (6)

aimitsumori_noreply_43367 profile image
Aimitsumori Noreply

Great CV

darioprazeres profile image
Dário Prazeres

Nice. I will do the same thing

1hamzabek profile image

Absolutely, Feel free to ask !!

taqmuraz profile image

Cool CV, man. I am looking for a job right now too, wish you good luck 🤞🏿

1hamzabek profile image

Thanks for that mate, Hope you get what are you willing to !! 🙌

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