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Well... This is It.

Yeah... This is "It"

My name is Dwayne, Dwayne Robinson and this is terrifying for me. Before I get to "this", let's do a quick introduction. You already know my name, and I'm a young lad from Kingston, Jamaica(25, is still considered young right?) Back in high school I had a strong passion for coding, back then I was mainly doing c programming and was fascinated with it. After high school, a university tuition was too much for my people to handle so I had to get a job and for many years turned my back on programming. It was still more or less a hobby so during that time I was messing around with a little bootstrap and JavaScript here and there. Time skip, here I am now. Stuck in a stagnant Tech Support 9 - 5. I used the opportunity to work from home during this Corona pandemic to take a few online courses from Coursera and Udemy to become the "Ultimate Full Stack Developer" and after 2 months of learning, here comes the "it"...

I said it was terrifying... Well that refers to this part, I've never had a strong online presence and shun social media so just introducing myself and opening up to you guys really scare me. I've been doing my research, and I understand the importance of building up a network and getting help from people who are at a higher level, so this is my attempt at doing so. I got inspired to do this after Google recommended an article on this website about another young guy who was a cook in Ghana and he made the switch to Web Development in April(his Name is Kofi, you can view his post here) and now he's an intern! I thought that was awesome.

Getting back to the real "it"..., It will be my first serious project that I take on to build up my portfolio, and I will see it through to the very end no matter what obstacles or challenges I face. My girlfriend also has a hobby, she likes to craft, and makes really cool stuff (Check out WunderKrafts on Instagram) and my very serious project will be using Laravel to make an e-commerce website for her.

I'm confident enough that I can pull it off...(nervous laughter) and would like to share my journey and progress with all of you on here as I do so. I guess I'll try to provide weekly updates and would very much welcome any feedback, opinion, guidance, thoughts and ideas that anyone has to offer.

For those who managed to read through all of my ramblings, thank you for taking the time to hear me out, I really do appreciate it, and thanks for becoming a part of my journey.

Top comments (10)

mattschwartz profile image
Matthew Schwartz

I teach a full stack web dev bootcamp and one of the most important lessons for those turning it into a career is to build a portfolio. We have them host all of their projects on GitHub for employers to see. And as they learn new tech we have them update their portfolio websites using that tech.

All this is to say you’re on the right path. Build up the portfolio. Contribute to open source projects if you can find the time. Keep learning, work hard, and you’ll achieve what you desire.

2old4this_ish profile image

Thanks for the advice Matthew. That's really cool about updating the portfolio website with new languages or skills learned. I'll remember that!

iamkarsoft profile image
Kofi A.

Glad to see you take the initiative, I know it can be scary but you got this. I'm looking forward to seeing your progress and I wish you the best of luck. Hopefully, we can work on something in the near future. Stay Safe and best of wishes

2old4this_ish profile image

Hey man thanks! Really appreciate it!

subzerodev profile image

Thanks for sharing, Good luck!

2old4this_ish profile image

You're welcome and thank you!

david_ojes profile image
David Ojesekhoba

Good job man! You're on the right track. The beauty of coding is being able to build anything as long as you have the grit. Rooting for you πŸ‘πŸΎ

2old4this_ish profile image

Thanks man, this last week has been really hard but I'm keeping my chin up and making steady progress!

danielkun profile image
Daniel Albuschat

Thanks for sharing, and welcome on DEV!

2old4this_ish profile image

Thanks man, being an introvert its not easy for me to reach out to people like this but this community has been nothing but helpful and motivational, its great to be here!