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Marcell Cruz
Marcell Cruz

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Web Essentials

if you're just interested in the list, scroll down

I was pairing with a new developer recently and he was stuck trying to fix an issue in a react form, and I noticed that the reason why he couldn't fix the issue was a lack of understanding of how a form works under the hood, if he knew of the top of his head the very basics of how a html form works he would be able to fix the issue very easily. what he needed to understand wasn't complicated but he needed to understand that in order to proceed, searching on google or asking chatgpt didn't help him, because he didn't knew what to search, this experience got stuck in my head and I begin wondering about other things like this, small things that on it's own doesn't mean much, but if you put them together you start seeing the difference between moving faster and enjoying what you're doing or moving slowly and being bored, with time you learn this small important things and you don't even think about them anymore, you just solve the issue and move on, you don't realize that if you didn't know about that small thing you would be stuck for hours in this problem and that you needed to know that in order to fix the issue that you're working one, this post is a attempt to list seaminly small things like these that I think are important to make web development easier and more enjoyable, I believe memorizing these things is important, because you don't spend any efforce thinking about them, which makes programming more enjoing furthermore these things unlock intuition on how other related things work making you know how to solve those other issues or what to search or ask an AI, if you want to memorize these things I would suggest something like chunking, this list is not a list of things that you must memorize to be a good engineer, and don't feel bad if you don't know any of them, I didn't, until I realize what I just said and made a effort of memorizing them.

Why does Memorization matter?

you might ask why memorization matters if I can ask ChatGPT, well there's the thing that I mentioned before and also chunking, and personally more importantly than any of that is as I said many times in this post enjoyment it's very hard to enjoy something that you need to stop constantly to search or ask an AI, it's just boring and frustrating.

The List

The challenge here is, can you write these of the top of your head?
can you open your editor and write a small script that implements the solution right now? without googling, autocomplete or AI.

This is not a complete list by any means please let me know what you would add to the list.

High Level Programming Language(Ruby, Javascript, Python, Elixir)

Any high-level programming language will do!

  • list CRUD(create read update and delete)
  • hash CRUD
  • traverse a data structure recursively
  • Create a class(or the basic structure of your language)
  • Create a function/method
  • write a test
  • how to declare import and use a module
  • mock a method
  • mock a class
  • http server
  • connect to a database
  • GET, POST, PATCH and DELETE requests
  • File IO,
    • create
    • close
    • append
    • delete
    • check the existence of a file
    • loop through files in a folder


  • connect to a database
  • create a database
  • create a table
  • insert into a table
  • delete from a table
  • like, in, not null
  • join

HTML Forms

this implies that you know how to read the result in your server as well

  • post, patch and delete methods
  • send input text
  • send a file
  • send selected option in a select


I feel like you don't need to memorize any of this stuff, learn how it works, and then ask an AI and you should be fine, please let me know if I'm wrong.

Frontend and backend frameworks

please see comment at the end

Linux Basics

  • Create a user
  • check file permissions
  • give/remove file permissions
  • Create a group
  • add a user to a group
  • add an executable to the path
  • create an executable
  • shebang
  • check running processes
  • kill a process
  • Check the program running in a specific port
  • run something in the background
  • check if a service is running
  • enable/disable a service
  • start/stop a service


  • create an image from a docker file
  • pull image
  • list downloaded images
  • remove image
  • run image
  • list containers
  • start/stop containers
  • remove container
  • run a shell inside the container
  • remove stopped containers
  • remove unused images


  • reverse proxy to a server
  • very basic load balancing
  • very basic caching

I could add many more things and probably will as I realize other stuff that might be important to memorize, I didn't add any framework-specific stuff because I think this varies too much depending on the framework that you're using but I have a list for the frameworks I use as well.

Thanks for reading.

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