In this article I will examines the implementation of the Delegation Pattern in .NET Core applications using LogHandler as a practical example.
The report article how this pattern, when combined with dependency injection, creates more maintainable and flexible logging systems in enterprise applications.
What is that ?
The Delegation Pattern is a fundamental design principle that enables the distribution of responsibilities across specialized components. In .NET Core applications, this pattern is particularly effective when implemented through delegates and event handlers, with LogHandler serving as an exemplary use case.
A simple Delegation Pattern implementation just uses composition and dependency injection to delegate tasks. Our LogService example shows this by delegating logging responsibilities to an ILogger implementation without event handlers. This basic approach maintains clean code while achieving core delegation functionality through object composition.
1. Create interface with implementation
2. Build your Services
3. Integration with Dependency Injection
4. Use ILogger as services delegation to your case service
Key Benefits
The implementation described above provides several significant advantages:
1.Separation of Concerns: The logging logic is completely decoupled from the business logic, making the code more maintainable and easier to test.
2.Flexibility: New logging destinations can be added without modifying existing code, adhering to the Open-Closed Principle.
3.Thread Safety: The delegate-based approach ensures thread-safe logging operations in multi-threaded environments.
4.Scalability: The system can easily scale to accommodate new logging requirements or destinations.
The Delegation Pattern, implemented through ILoggerin .NET Core, provides a robust foundation for building flexible and maintainable logging systems. When combined with dependency injection, it enables the development of highly modular and testable applications that can easily adapt to changing requirements.
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