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Amlan Patnaik
Amlan Patnaik

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Leveraging Caching for a Lightning Fast User Experience

Today, we're delving into caching, a powerful tool for building fast and reliable systems. Caching is all about storing data temporarily to access it quickly when needed. In this article, we'll focus on backend caching, which can help you create efficient software.

In this article, we'll cover:

What is Caching? We'll explain how caching works and why it's important for speeding up data access.

Benefits of Caching: Discover how caching can boost speed, improve user experience, and save costs by reducing server load.

Caching Patterns: Learn about different ways to use caching and choose the best approach for your needs.

Caching Best Practices: Find out how to keep your cached data up-to-date and manage cache capacity effectively.

When Not To Cache: Understand when caching might not be the best solution and could even harm performance.

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What Is Caching?

To build a fast and scalable application, it's essential to remove bottlenecks and make your system more efficient. Databases can often slow down performance due to their storage and processing requirements. That's where caching comes in.

A cache is a temporary storage solution that stores data temporarily for quick access. It uses high-speed memory storage and optimized data structures to speed up operations. Redis and Memcached are popular distributed caching systems that you might already be familiar with.

Benefits of Caching

The main advantage of caching is speed. Retrieving data from a cache is much faster than fetching it from a database, thanks to the efficient data structures and memory storage used. Caching also reduces the load on your database, freeing up resources and improving performance. This leads to a better user experience and potential cost savings. By reducing the need to constantly access the database, caching can make your application more responsive and efficient. While caching can help save costs by optimizing data access, it's essential to have a backup plan in case your cache system fails and puts extra strain on your database.

Cache Strategies

Understanding caching power is just the start; knowing how to use it best is key. Here, we'll look at two main patterns: Writing Patterns and Cache Miss Patterns. These patterns give ways to manage cache updates and handle when needed data isn't in the cache yet.

Writing Patterns

Writing patterns show how your app interacts with the cache and database. Let's explore three usual strategies: Write-back, Write-through, and Write-around. Each has its own benefits and drawbacks.


How it works: Your app stores data in the cache first, then copies it to the database later via a background process. Write-back caching, also called write-behind caching, delays writing data to the database until necessary. When an app updates data, the change is first stored in the cache and then written to the database at a later time. This boosts performance by minimizing direct database operations and allows for grouping write actions. However, there's a risk of data loss if the cache fails before data is saved in the database. This method is ideal for situations with frequent write actions and where a slight delay in data storage is acceptable.

Best for: Apps where speed is crucial and some data inconsistency is okay, like analytics apps. Write-back caching is good for applications that need lots of writes and can handle some delay in data consistency. For example, logging systems, data collection apps, and batch processing systems. These apps benefit from less load on the database and better performance by grouping write operations. The small risk of data loss or delay is fine in these situations where immediate consistency isn't crucial.


  • Quick reads: Data is always in the cache for fast access.
  • Speedy writes: App doesn't wait on the database, leading to faster response times.
  • Less strain on the database: Bulk writes reduce database load, potentially extending hardware life.


  • Data loss risk: If the cache fails before saving to the database, data can be lost. Persistent storage can help but adds complexity.
  • Complexity: Middleware is needed to sync cache and database.
  • Possible high cache usage: All writes go to the cache first, leading to high storage use.


How it works: App writes data to both cache and database at the same time. Asynchronous writing can reduce wait time, letting app signal success before cache finishes. In write-through caching, any change to the cache is automatically saved to the database right away. This makes sure that the cache and the database always have the same information, giving a dependable and steady data status. While this method guarantees data accuracy, it may make writing data slower since each write needs a database update. Write-through caching is useful for apps that require consistent data and can manage the extra work of immediate database updates.

Best for: Write-through caching is great for apps where data consistency and reliability are very important. For instance, financial services, e-commerce platforms, and real-time analytics systems. These apps need every write to show up right away in both the cache and the database, making sure users always get the most current info. The trade-off in performance is worth it for accurate and reliable data.


  • Speedy reads: Data is always in the cache, skipping database reads.
  • Reliability: Writes confirmed only after saving in the database, ensuring data persists even after a crash.


  • Slower writes: Overhead from waiting on database and cache writes. Asynchronous writing helps but still involves some wait time.
  • Possibly high cache usage: All data goes to the cache, even if not often accessed.


How it works: App writes data directly to the database, ignoring the cache. To fill the cache, it uses the cache-aside pattern. Write-around caching completely avoids the cache for writing, only updating the database. The cache is only utilized for reading, so new data is only cached when first read. This method helps prevent the cache from becoming cluttered with rarely accessed data, making it great for systems with sporadic usage patterns. However, it may cause a temporary slowdown when data is first read, as it must be retrieved from the database before being stored in the cache. Write-around is beneficial for applications with a high number of write operations and where improving reading performance is the main goal.

Best for: Write-around caching is best for apps with lots of writes but where reads get a big boost from caching. For example, content management systems, user profiles, and apps with a mix of seldom used and often used data. This strategy keeps the cache efficient and clean of rarely used data, while still speeding up reads. It finds a balance between write speed and read efficiency, making it perfect for apps with uneven access patterns.


  • Secure writes: Data goes straight to the database, guaranteeing consistency.
  • Efficient cache use: Only popular data is cached, saving memory.


Higher read latency (sometimes): If data isn't in the cache, app has to fetch it from the database, adding a round trip compared to constant caching policies.

Cache Miss Patterns

A cache miss happens when needed data isn't in the cache. Here are two common ways to handle this:

  • Cache-Aside: The app checks the cache and, if data isn't there, gets it from the database and updates the cache. The app manages the cache. This method is simple and widely used as it doesn't require external changes.
  • Read-Through: The app makes a request without knowing about the cache. A special system checks the cache and gets data from the database if needed, updating the cache invisibly. This pattern cuts app complexity but adds infrastructure complexity, offloading resource management to middleware.

Overall, the write-around pattern with cache-aside is most used due to its simplicity. However, consider write-through if data will be used right after caching, offering slight read performance benefits.

Caching Tips

Let's explore some ways to use caching effectively to keep your data up-to-date and manage storage efficiently.

  • Refreshing Cache: When your database is updated, the cached data can become old. Having a good cache refreshing plan is important to avoid serving outdated data:
  • Updating Cache: Make sure to update or remove cached data when your database is updated. Techniques like write-through or write-back can handle this automatically, while write-around or cache-aside strategies may need manual removal of old data. This ensures your app always gets the latest information.
  • Time To Live (TTL): Set a time limit for data in the cache to be automatically deleted after a certain period. This helps clear out unnecessary data and prevents old data from being served if cache updating is missed.

Cache Cleanup Strategies

As your cache fills up, you need ways to decide which data to remove to make space for new information. Here are some common strategies:

  • Removing Least Used Data (LRU): Data that hasn't been accessed for a while is removed first under this policy. LRU is used in many situations.
  • Removing Less Used Data (LFU): Data that is accessed less often is removed according to this policy. To protect new data from being deleted right away, consider a warm-up period where new data is safe from removal.
  • Other strategies include FIFO (First-In, First-Out) and Random Removal, though they are less popular. When Not to Use Cache

It's important to know when caching may not be helpful:

  • Low Usage: If your app has low traffic and good response times, caching may not be necessary. Introducing a cache can add complexity and should be considered when facing performance issues or expecting more traffic.
  • Lots of Writing: Caching is most effective when data is read often and updated rarely. In systems with frequent updates, caching could slow things down and hurt performance.

Key Points

For successful caching:

  • Assess the Need: Make sure your system benefits from caching for quicker responses.
  • Choose the Right Methods: Pick cache strategies that match how your data is used.
  • Keep Data Fresh: Use strong cache refreshing techniques to avoid old data being served.
  • Manage Cache Space: Use strategies like LRU to remove data when the cache is full.

By following these guidelines, you can optimize your caching plan to boost app performance and make your users' experience better, lighten the load on your database, and keep your data accurate and up-to-date. Success with caching comes from smart planning and ongoing improvement. Implementing a caching plan can boost your applications' speed and efficiency, but it requires careful thought and execution. Make sure caching is right for your system, especially if it's read-heavy and needs quick responses. Choose caching patterns that match your data usage to get the most out of it. Have strong plans for keeping your cache updated and choose good strategies for managing storage space.

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