DEV Community

Aadesh Kulkarni
Aadesh Kulkarni

Posted on

Do you have an open-source project ?

First-Issues is an initiative to curate easy pickings from open-source projects, so developers who’ve never contributed to open-source can get started quickly.

Open-source maintainers are always looking to get more people involved, but new developers generally think it’s challenging to become a contributor. We believe getting developers to fix super-easy issues removes the barrier for future contributions.

This is why exists. While we are building the MVP, we are on the look out for open source projects that are actively maintained and have atleast 3 good first issues.

If you are open source maintainer and looking for contributors, please share your Github repository to get featured on the app.

Top comments (11)

tiredonwatch profile image
triedonwatch • Edited

Open Source Projects aren't really a thing for Beginners in my opinion. I am a beginner myself.

gbhorwood profile image
grant horwood

yes and no. if the project's maintainer is aware that they are soliciting the help of a beginner and has one or more issues suited to that level, i think it's a great idea. the initial prs will be for trivial stuff, certainly, but this gives maintainers a chance to cultivate a new contributor who may very well mature into someone who makes serious contributions later on. developing new talent isn't just for the corporate world!

tiredonwatch profile image

I agree with the small contributions and over all development in the field of that particular beginner, but the thing I wanted to say was that In Over all Open Source Projects are overwhelming to beginners, I've researched into some open source projects which are either fun projects or they help on a massive scale, It was hard for me to interpret things.

Thread Thread
gbhorwood profile image
grant horwood

absolutely it is overwhelming, and hopefully projects like the op’s do a little bit to help lower that bar to access.

komsenapati profile image
Kom Senapati

Yeah true

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Good luck with this

jayantbh profile image
Jayant Bhawal

All the best with your effort!

I'd love to know what you're aiming for that's different from

perisicnikola37 profile image
Nikola Perišić

Wow, cool idea

pengeszikra profile image
Peter Vivo

this is a small react / typescript oriented state handling opensource project, any contributor / tester / user welcome

wraith profile image
Jake Lundberg

great project 😁 i love seeing people trying to get more junior devs involved in projects. good luck!

codesmith profile image

Wishing you best of luck with this. 🚀