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Aaditya Gole
Aaditya Gole

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Freezing Accounts in Aptos: A Detailed Guide

The Move programming language, used primarily in the Aptos and Sui ecosystems, is designed for creating secure, resource-oriented smart contracts. Among the many features of Move is its ability to manage assets like tokens or coins. A critical component of managing these assets is the ability to control the mobility of coins in and out of accounts, which can be done using a freezing mechanism. This blog will walk you through the process of freezing accounts in the Move language, explaining why and how it is done, particularly focusing on the Coin module.

Understanding the Coin Framework in Move
Before we dive into freezing accounts, it's essential to have a basic understanding of how coins are structured and managed in Move. The Coin module provides reusable functionalities for creating and managing different types of tokens. Each coin is uniquely identified by its CoinType, allowing developers to define distinct coins with their own rules, supply, and properties.

Key Structures in the Coin Module

  1. Coin: The basic unit representing a specific coin type. It holds the amount (value) of the coin.
module 0x1::coin {
    struct Coin<phantom CoinType> has store {
        value: u64, // Amount of the coin.

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  1. CoinStore: This structure represents the global store for a coin type and manages critical aspects like the coin balance, frozen status, and deposit/withdrawal events for an account.
module 0x1::coin {
    struct CoinStore<phantom CoinType> has key {
        coin: Coin<CoinType>,
        frozen: bool, // Indicates whether the account is frozen.
        deposit_events: EventHandle<DepositEvent>,
        withdraw_events: EventHandle<WithdrawEvent>,

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  1. CoinInfo: The CoinInfo struct holds metadata about the coin, such as its name, symbol, decimals, and the total supply.
module 0x1::coin {
    struct CoinInfo<phantom CoinType> has key {
        name: string::String,
        symbol: string::String,
        decimals: u8,
        supply: Option<OptionalAggregator>,

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What Does Freezing an Account Mean?

  • In the context of the Move language, freezing an account involves preventing any movement of coins—deposits or withdrawals—from that account. The freezing mechanism is useful in various scenarios, such as:
  • Security Measures: If suspicious activity is detected in an account, freezing can act as a safeguard to prevent unauthorized transactions.
  • Regulatory Compliance: In certain jurisdictions, regulations may require freezing assets under specific circumstances (e.g., a court order).
  • Token Management: Freezing allows token creators or managers to halt the movement of tokens during specific events, like a token migration or an upgrade.
  • When an account is frozen, its CoinStore's frozen field is set to true, disallowing any transfer of tokens from or into that account.

Freezing a CoinStore in Move

Step 1: Initializing the Coin and Creating FreezeCapability
The first step is to initialize a coin type, which automatically generates the FreezeCapability. This capability allows the coin creator or manager to freeze specific accounts.

Here's how you initialize the coin type and acquire the freeze capability:

module 0x1::coin {
    public fun initialize_coin<CoinType>(account: &signer): FreezeCapability<CoinType> {
        // Initialize coin for the account
        // ...

        // Create and return the FreezeCapability
        let freeze_cap = FreezeCapability<CoinType> {};

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The FreezeCapability is a permission granted to the coin manager, allowing them to freeze and unfreeze accounts that hold this particular coin type.

Step 2: Freezing an Account
Once you have the FreezeCapability, you can use it to freeze any account that holds the specific coin. The freezing process updates the frozen field in the CoinStore for that account, preventing any further deposits or withdrawals.

Here’s how you can freeze an account:

module 0x1::coin {
    public entry fun freeze_coin_store<CoinType>(
        account_addr: address,                   // Address of the account to be frozen
        freeze_cap: &FreezeCapability<CoinType>, // Freeze capability (permission)
    ) acquires CoinStore {
        // Get a mutable reference to the CoinStore of the account
        let coin_store = borrow_global_mut<CoinStore<CoinType>>(account_addr);

        // Set the frozen field to true
        coin_store.frozen = true;

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Step 3: Unfreezing an Account
Similarly, if you need to unfreeze an account, you can set the frozen field back to false using the same capability:

module 0x1::coin {
    public entry fun unfreeze_coin_store<CoinType>(
        account_addr: address,                   // Address of the account to be unfrozen
        freeze_cap: &FreezeCapability<CoinType>, // Freeze capability (permission)
    ) acquires CoinStore {
        // Get a mutable reference to the CoinStore of the account
        let coin_store = borrow_global_mut<CoinStore<CoinType>>(account_addr);

        // Set the frozen field to false
        coin_store.frozen = false;

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Practical Example: Freezing an Account in Action
Let’s consider a scenario where the creator of a token called MyToken wants to freeze an account due to suspicious activity. Here’s how this can be done:

  1. The creator first initializes MyToken and acquires the FreezeCapability.
module 0x1::my_token {
    use 0x1::coin;

    public entry fun initialize(account: &signer) {
        let freeze_cap = coin::initialize_coin<MyToken>(account);
        // Store the freeze_cap for future use
        // ...

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  1. When suspicious activity is detected, the creator calls the freeze_coin_storefunction to freeze the account:
module 0x1::my_token_manager {
    use 0x1::coin;

    public entry fun freeze_suspicious_account(
        account_addr: address, 
        freeze_cap: &coin::FreezeCapability<MyToken>
    ) acquires coin::CoinStore {
        coin::freeze_coin_store<MyToken>(account_addr, freeze_cap);

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  1. If the issue is resolved and the account needs to be unfrozen, the creator can call the unfreeze_coin_storefunction:
module 0x1::my_token_manager {
    use 0x1::coin;

    public entry fun unfreeze_account(
        account_addr: address, 
        freeze_cap: &coin::FreezeCapability<MyToken>
    ) acquires coin::CoinStore {
        coin::unfreeze_coin_store<MyToken>(account_addr, freeze_cap);

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Freezing accounts in Move is a crucial feature for managing token security and compliance. By leveraging the CoinStoreand FreezeCapabilitystructures, token creators and managers can effectively control the mobility of tokens within their ecosystem. Whether for security, compliance, or operational reasons, the freezing mechanism ensures that token assets are managed with precision.

With the ability to freeze and unfreeze accounts as needed, Move provides a flexible and powerful framework for decentralized asset management. As the Aptos and Sui ecosystems grow, these capabilities will become even more essential in maintaining trust and security in blockchain-based financial systems.

Key Takeaways:

  • CoinStore is where account balances and their frozen status are stored.
  • FreezeCapability allows coin creators to freeze or unfreeze specific accounts.
  • Freezing an account prevents deposits and withdrawals, providing a mechanism for managing risk or compliance issues.
  • By understanding and utilizing these features, developers can build more secure and adaptable applications on the Move platform.

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