DEV Community

Abdullah Al Mamun Fahim
Abdullah Al Mamun Fahim

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Hacktoberfest week 4

As the week progress is becoming more and more difficult to find legitimate issues with Hacktoberfest labels. This week in my search I went to page number 100 and couldn't go any further. Maybe I'm just picky about my issues or there's acutally no good issues left with the label. So in my search, I searched with the label good first issue.

This time the search was a lot less work and I found two legitimate repos.

For the first repo, it was labrute, an react remake of online game I love gaming and a huge supporter of game preservation. So I chose this one. Since the issue was very simple I looked for another repo. After a while I found tabbycat, "Debating tournament tabulation software for British Parliamentary and a variety of two-team parliamentary formats". With 831 forks it looked promising and it is actually used by people.

For my first issue I started on labrute. I just had to update the brute and updatedBrute in updateClanPoints method. After searching for the method there was a lot of method calls so I had to look for the reset method file. After finding the file and updating. I made the PR. This time the PR was against the main repo so it was pretty simple.

For the next one I immediately found the file since in the issue the file and line number was included. Also since its a application made in Django, I had to be extra careful since I have not worked on Django in a while. In the issue I was given to options to implement the solution. Either field_class = forms.EmailField or field_kwargs = {'validators': [EmailValidator()]}. So I looked at the codebase and there was no use of forms.EmailField. And after looking at the docs EmailValidator was the better choice. So I imported EmailField form django.core and added it to the ReplyToEmailAddress class. After the update I made the PR. The only issue was I missed to add a whitespace. So I amended the last commit and force pushed. But after a while I saw a gitworkflow had failed. So I checked the workflow to see what had failed. It was a flake8 error where the import of EmailValidator should be in the beginning of the import statement since it is alphabetically first. So I made a new commit and pushed to origin.

As of writing both of my PR has been merged. I have asked both owners if they could add Hacktoberfest label to the issues.

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