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Aarav Joshi
Aarav Joshi

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Python PDF Processing Guide: 8 Essential Libraries and Techniques [2024 Tutorial]

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Python PDF Processing: Advanced Techniques and Applications

PDF documents remain a crucial format for business and data processing. Python offers powerful tools for handling these files effectively. Let's explore eight essential techniques for PDF manipulation.

Basic PDF Operations with PyPDF2

PyPDF2 provides fundamental PDF operations. It excels in merging, splitting, and basic text extraction. Here's a comprehensive example:

from PyPDF2 import PdfReader, PdfWriter, PdfMerger

# Reading PDF
reader = PdfReader("input.pdf")
page = reader.pages[0]
text = page.extract_text()

# Splitting PDF
writer = PdfWriter()
with open("output.pdf", "wb") as output:

# Merging PDFs
merger = PdfMerger()
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Accurate Text Extraction with PDFPlumber

PDFPlumber offers precise text extraction with position information, making it ideal for structured documents:

import pdfplumber

with"document.pdf") as pdf:
    page = pdf.pages[0]
    text = page.extract_text()
    words = page.extract_words()

    # Extract tables
    tables = page.extract_tables()

    # Get text within specific area
    area = page.within_bbox((x0, y0, x1, y1))
    specific_text = area.extract_text()
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Table Extraction using Camelot

Camelot specializes in table extraction from PDFs, providing high accuracy:

import camelot

# Read tables
tables = camelot.read_pdf("tables.pdf", pages='1-3')

# Export to various formats

# Get table data as Python list
data = tables[0].data
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Converting PDFs to Images with pdf2image

pdf2image converts PDF pages to images, enabling OCR processing:

from pdf2image import convert_from_path
import pytesseract

# Convert PDF to images
images = convert_from_path("document.pdf")

# Perform OCR on images
for image in images:
    text = pytesseract.image_to_string(image)
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Fast PDF Processing with PyMuPDF

PyMuPDF (fitz) offers rapid PDF processing and manipulation:

import fitz

doc ="document.pdf")

# Extract text and images
for page in doc:
    text = page.get_text()
    images = page.get_images()

    # Add annotations
    rect = fitz.Rect(100, 100, 200, 200)
    page.draw_rect(rect, color=(1, 0, 0))

    # Extract links
    links = page.get_links()"annotated.pdf")
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Detailed PDF Analysis with PDFMiner

PDFMiner provides detailed PDF structure analysis:

from pdfminer.high_level import extract_pages
from pdfminer.layout import LTTextContainer, LTChar

for page_layout in extract_pages("document.pdf"):
    for element in page_layout:
        if isinstance(element, LTTextContainer):
            text = element.get_text()

            # Get character properties
            for text_line in element:
                for character in text_line:
                    if isinstance(character, LTChar):
                        font_size = character.size
                        font_name = character.fontname
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Creating PDFs with ReportLab

ReportLab enables programmatic PDF creation with precise control:

from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import letter
from reportlab.lib import colors

c = canvas.Canvas("output.pdf", pagesize=letter)

# Add text
c.setFont("Helvetica", 12)
c.drawString(100, 750, "Hello World")

# Add shapes
c.rect(100, 700, 100, 50, fill=True)

# Add images
c.drawImage("image.jpg", 100, 500, width=200, height=200)
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Advanced Operations with Borb

Borb handles advanced PDF operations including digital signatures and forms:

from borb.pdf import Document
from borb.pdf import Page
from borb.pdf import SingleColumnLayout
from borb.pdf import Paragraph

# Create PDF
doc = Document()
page = Page()
layout = SingleColumnLayout(page)

# Add content
layout.add(Paragraph("Dynamic PDF Content"))

# Add form fields
form = {
    "name": "text_field",
    "value": "Default Text",
    "rect": (50, 750, 200, 780)

# Save document
with open("output.pdf", "wb") as pdf_file:
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These techniques can be combined for complex PDF processing workflows. For large PDFs, consider implementing batch processing and memory management:

def process_large_pdf(file_path, batch_size=10):
    doc =
    total_pages = doc.page_count

    for start in range(0, total_pages, batch_size):
        end = min(start + batch_size, total_pages)
        batch = []

        for page_num in range(start, end):
            page = doc[page_num]
            text = page.get_text()

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Performance optimization strategies include parallel processing for multiple PDFs:

from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor
import multiprocessing

def process_pdf_files(pdf_files):
    cpu_count = multiprocessing.cpu_count()

    with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=cpu_count) as executor:
        results =, pdf_files)

    return list(results)
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These Python techniques provide a comprehensive toolkit for PDF document processing. They enable automated workflows for document analysis, data extraction, and report generation. The choice of library depends on specific requirements for accuracy, speed, and functionality.

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Top comments (1)

oggo profile image

Nice article. I have evaluated most of this libraries. Currently my choice is Docling because of the integrated OCR fallback.