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A function to clone git repository using gitlab personal access token

A step-by-step tutorial on how to use the gitlab_clone function from the provided code:

Step 1: Create a Folder for Scripts

  • Open a terminal or command prompt.
  • Run the following command to create a folder named "scripts" in your home directory:
  mkdir $HOME/scripts
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Step 2: Save the Function in a File

  • Open a text editor of your choice.
  • Copy the following code block:
  #####GITLAB CLONE WITH TOKEN############################################
  gitlab_clone() {
      get_token() {
          echo "Secrets file not found or GITLAB_TOKEN is empty. Please provide Git username and personal access token:"
          read -r -p "Username: " username
          read -r -p "Token: " token
          echo "export GITLAB_TOKEN=$username:$token" > $HOME/scripts/
          source $HOME/scripts/

      if [[ -f $HOME/scripts/ ]]; then
          source $HOME/scripts/

      local repo_url=$1
      local cred=${GITLAB_TOKEN}

      if [[ -z $cred ]]; then
          cred=${GITLAB_TOKEN}  # Assign the value of GITLAB_TOKEN after calling get_token

      local url=$(echo "$repo_url" | sed "s|https://|https://$cred@|")
      git clone "$url"
  alias gclone="gitlab_clone"
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  • Paste the copied code into the text editor.
  • Save the file with the name "" inside the "scripts" folder created in Step 1. Make sure to keep the .sh extension for shell script files.

Step 3: Source the File in .bashrc

  • Open a terminal or command prompt.
  • Run the following command to open the .bashrc file in a text editor:
  nano ~/.bashrc
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  • Scroll to the end of the file and add the following line:
  source $HOME/scripts/
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  • Press Ctrl+X to exit the text editor, then press Y to save the changes, and Enter to confirm the file name.

Step 4: Activate the Changes

  • In the same terminal or command prompt, run the following command to reload the .bashrc file and activate the changes:
  source ~/.bashrc
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Step 5: Using the gitlab_clone Function

  • Now, you can use the gitlab_clone function, which is aliased to gclone, in your terminal.
  • Run the following command to clone a GitLab repository:
  gclone <repository_url>
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Replace <repository_url> with the actual URL of the repository you want to clone.

  • If the GITLAB_TOKEN is not set or the secrets file doesn't exist, the function will prompt you to provide your Git username and personal access token.
  • Enter your Git username when prompted and press Enter.
  • Enter your personal access token when prompted (the input will be hidden) and press Enter.
  • The function will save the GitLab token in the file and automatically source it for future use.
  • The repository will be cloned using the provided credentials.

You have now set up the gitlab_clone function and can use it to clone GitLab repositories conveniently.

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