In this tutorial, we'll build an AI text humanizer tool that can convert AI-generated text into human-like text. We'll use ...
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Neat article! Would you mind if I included this in the upcoming edition of the Clerk Newsletter?
bro , how are you doing? i wanted to ask ; how many subscribers do you have in your newsletter?
i was preparing my Wrapped 2024:
it would be better to include numbers there also .
Hello, Brian!
I would love 🦄.
You can also include my Topmate profile ( in case live support. I am always happy to guide and help others, cheers!
Great! I'm linking back to your profile since thats where the article is hosted. We typically link back to the publication or to an X profile if you'd rather. Hope thats ok!
yeah, no problem. you can link back to this publication on dev
Hey, hey; Brian!
I just Dropped;
Both texts read like they're AI generated
are you sure, bro 😅
Try more than one detector.
GPTZero gives 100% AI generated for both texts in your header image. These detectors are far from 100% reliable, but they generally all rate REAL human written text reasonably correctly. The best detectors for these kinds of things are - unsurprisingly - human beings. It follows that the best 'humanizer' for such text is also a human being.
Both texts definitely read like they were AI generated to me. They both very much have the same AI generated 'feel'.
I tried putting your text that came out as 15.97% (or at least the portion that was visible) through the same detector you used, and it came out as 51.49%
That same text in GTPZero came out as 100% AI
thanks for feedback, ah, i see GPTZero is the best one currently in the market. my free subscription ended, i need to buy new, 😅
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