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Abhishek Singh
Abhishek Singh

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Is there any solution to my problem?

Tldr: What dev to work on, tried ml/blockchain/web/android. Anything else, fun and interesting?

My problem: I started with java+android back in 2019, and enjoyed making some apps got bored and switched to flutter because it made designing of apps fun then for some reasons wasn't able to continue, then placements seasons came and I started doing DSA.

For dev part, everyone said to try on ml(absolutely hated it), web dev(got bored), block chain (not interesting), data analysis (boring) now due to work I had to work on spring boot and liked it. But don't see a great future in it plus for open source everyone just rants web dev, and I don't like it. Thinking of kotlin rn who knows when will I get bored of it.

Ps: I love coding and problem solving, so don't hate on me for earlier comments, I just really like to know what can I do more.

Top comments (1)

darkterminal profile image
Imam Ali Mustofa

Hi @abhishekssingh I understand that finding the right development path can be challenging when you've tried various technologies and haven't found the perfect fit.

It's great to hear that you have a passion for coding and problem-solving. The fact that you're open to exploring different technologies and seeking new challenges is a valuable trait as a developer. While it can be frustrating to not have found your ideal development area yet, there are still many possibilities to consider.

Since you mentioned enjoying working with Spring Boot, you could further explore backend development using Java or Kotlin. Backend development offers a wide range of opportunities and can be highly rewarding, especially if you enjoy working on server-side logic, databases, and APIs. You can delve deeper into frameworks and tools within the Java or Kotlin ecosystem to expand your expertise and explore new projects and applications.

Additionally, you may want to consider exploring other areas of mobile development beyond Flutter and Android. For instance, you could try iOS development using Swift or even explore cross-platform frameworks like React Native or Xamarin. By broadening your skills in mobile development, you can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the field and increase your chances of finding a niche that excites you.

If you're interested in further expanding your problem-solving skills, you might want to explore areas such as data science or machine learning from a different perspective. For example, instead of focusing on the implementation details, you could explore the applications and impact of these fields in real-world scenarios. This might give you a fresh perspective and potentially reignite your interest.

That's what I like to do when I got confused like "What The Punk I am doing it!?"