DEV Community

Abhishiv Saxena
Abhishiv Saxena

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Alfama: Fine grained reactive UI library with explicit subscriptions

Hey all

I would like to introduce Alfama, a fine grained reactive UI library with explicit subscriptions.


  • Small. Fully featured at ~9kB gzip.
  • Truly reactive and fine grained. Unlike VDOM libraries which use diffing to compute changes, it uses fine grained updates to target only the DOM which needs to update. - No Magic Explicit subscriptions obviate the need of sample/untrack methods found in other fine grained reactive libraries like solid/sinuous. Importantly, many feel that this also makes your code easy to reason about.
  • Signals and Stores. Signals for primitives and Stores for deeply nested objects/arrays.
  • First class HMR Preserves Signals/Stores across HMR loads for a truly stable HMR experience.
  • DevEx. no compile step needed if you want: choose your view syntax: h for plain javascript or for babel/typescript.
  • Rich and Complete. From support for SVG to popular patterns like dangerouslySetInnerHTML, ref to Fragment and Portal: Alfama has you covered.

There's also a react-router like router for Alfama called alfama-router

Would love to hear from people what they think.

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