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Abinash Ray Yadav
Abinash Ray Yadav

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Improving State Management in React: Transitioning from ContextAPI to Recoil

When managing state in React applications, Recoil and the **Context API **both help share data across components, but they handle performance and scalability differently.

With the Context API, every time the context value changes, all components using that context re-render. This can lead to performance issues, especially in larger applications, because React lacks built-in dependency tracking for context.

Recoil, on the other hand, excels in efficiently managing state for large-scale applications. It uses a sophisticated dependency graph to track state changes, ensuring only components that rely on the changed state re-render. Recoil introduces atoms, which are the fundamental building blocks for state management. Atoms act as the central source of truth for individual pieces of data, providing a clear and detailed approach to managing state.

Getting Started with Implementation:

2. Defining an Atom

Use the atom function to create your atom. Provide a key (a unique string) to identify the atom within your Recoil state and a default initial value the atom will hold.

import { atom } from 'recoil';

export const myAtom = atom({
  key: 'UniqueAtomKey',
  default: 'Initial value, e.g., an array, object, etc.',

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3. Accessing Atom value

Recoil provides with two hooks: useRecoilValue and useRecoilState to access and manipulate data.

import { useRecoilState, useRecoilValue } from 'recoil';
import { myAtom } from './pathToYourAtom';

const [data, setData] = useRecoilState(myAtom);
const myValue = useRecoilValue(myAtom);

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Moreover, recoil provides selectors hooks to allows you to derive state from existing atoms. They essentially act as pure functions that transform data based on your needs.

import { selector } from 'recoil';

const deriveDataSelector = selector({
  key: 'deriveDataSelector',
  get: ({ get }) => {
    const data = get(myAtom);
    // manipulate data
    return manipulatedData;

const filteredData = useRecoilValue(deriveDataSelector);  // usage

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Similarly, selectors can be used to handle async query.

import { atom, selector } from 'recoil';

export const myAtom = atom({
  key: 'UniqueAtomKey',
  default: selector({
    key: 'CurrentUserName',
    get: async ({ get }) => {
      const response = await anyAsyncOperation();
      return response.json();

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This holds neet for single component atom accessing. But problem arise when multiple component wants same sort of atom definition. Then each component need to have unique atom and its coresponding unique key. Defining each new atom could be tedious and repeatitive. In that case atomFamily comes into play to dynamically generate multiple instances of that atom with unique keys.

import { atomFamily } from 'recoil';

const myAtomFamily = atomFamily({
  key: 'myAtomFamilyKey',
  default: 'anyDefaultValue',

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Just like selector comes with atom, selectorFamily comes with atomFamily.

import { selectorFamily } from 'recoil';

const asyncQuery = selectorFamily({
  key: 'asyncQueryKey',
  get: (params) => async () => {
    const response = await anyDBQuery(params);
    if (response.error) {
      throw response.error;

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Recoil offers a powerful and scalable solution for state management in React applications. Its fine-grained control, efficient re-rendering, and advanced features like atom families make it a compelling choice for complex projects.

Explore about atom in depth LINK!!!

This array of features gives developers plenty to explore and implement in their applications.

                🚀 Happy Coding! 🌟
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