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Abraão Carvalho
Abraão Carvalho

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Threading and code execution in Ruby on Rails

In Ruby on Rails, code execution and the use of threads are fundamental to dealing with concurrency and optimizing application performance.

Below I explain how these concepts work:

Threading in Ruby on Rails

Threads allow multiple pieces of code to run simultaneously, which is useful for performing long-running operations without blocking the main application process.

In Ruby on Rails, the framework uses threads mainly to process HTTP requests concurrently, ensuring better scalability and performance.

However, it is important to be careful when using threads, especially in operations that involve accessing shared resources, as this can lead to concurrency issues and race conditions.

Threading Example

# Example of using threading in Ruby on Rails to process requests in parallel
threads = []

# Assumes 'requests' is an array of HTTP requests to be processed
requests.each do |request|
  threads << do
    # Process the request here

threads.each(&:join) # Wait for all threads to finish before continuing
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Code Execution in Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails follows the MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern, where code is organized into models, views and controllers.

Code execution begins with an HTTP request being routed to a specific controller, which then processes the request and can interact with the data model.

Rails uses the concept of "convention over configuration", which means it makes assumptions about how code should be structured, allowing developers to write less boilerplate code.

ActiveRecord, which is the model layer in Rails, provides an easy way to interact with the database, abstracting away many of the details of handling SQL queries.

Code Execution Example

# Example of executing code in a Rails controller
class PostsController < ApplicationController
  def index
    @posts = Post.all

  def create
    @post =
      redirect_to posts_path, notice: 'Post created successfully.'
      render :new


  def post_params
    params.require(:post).permit(:title, :content)
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In this example, the index method returns all existing posts, while the create method creates a new post based on the parameters provided by the HTTP request. If the creation is successful, the user is redirected to the posts index page; otherwise, the creation form re-renders with error messages.


In summary, threading and code execution are crucial components in the development of Ruby on Rails applications, and understanding how they work is fundamental to creating high-quality, high-performance software.

Using threads allows you to deal with concurrency effectively, improving performance when processing multiple requests simultaneously. On the other hand, code execution in Rails follows well-defined standards, such as the MVC pattern, simplifying code development and maintenance.

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