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Arthur Christoph
Arthur Christoph

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Go Series: Pointer

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A pointer is simply a variable that holds the location in memory where a value is stored.
Pointer indicates mutable parameter.
Go gives the choice to use pointers or values for both primitives and structs.

The common gotcha is when passing a struct - a struct is passed by value. Example

func changePersonFailed(person Person){
  person.Name = "Jane"
person := Person{Name: "John", Age: 1}
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Original person object is not modified since the person is a copy of the original person struct

To pass by reference or in other words, passing the pointer instead, can be done by adding the * prefix on the person parameter in the method definition, and to pass the pointer of the object by adding & prefix to the person object

func changePerson(person *Person){
  person.Name = "Jane"
  desc := "new value"
  person.Description = &desc
person := Person{Name: "John", Age: 1}
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The best practice, however, is to always strive to not modify the object passed as argument into the function and return it as a return value of the function instead, such as:

func changePersonBestPractice(person Person) (p Person) {
    p = Person{Name: "Name", Age: person.Age}
    return p
person := Person{Name: "John", Age: 1}
updatedPerson := changePersonBestPractice(person)
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Mutated object can be difficult to track of - where the object was mutated . Instead, returning a new object will guarantee the original object is modified while still getting back a new object with updated values.
append methods is an example of this practice. Original slice is kept as is, and a new slice returned with the given element added

names := []string{"a","b"}
names = append(names, "c")
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Another reason is garbage collector has more work with pointers since value types are in stack and stack is sequential where as heap where the pointers located are not.

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