Golang CI/CD is a library to build and automate continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines. By leveraging Go's concurrency features, efficiency, and robust standard library, devops can create highly customizable and efficient CI/CD pipelines tailored to their specific project requirements. This allows for faster development cycles, improved code quality, and more reliable deployments.
Atention! Is not just for Golang projects. You can create CICD pipelines for all languages and technologies.
- Lightweight, flexible and fast.
- You can compile the pipeline in order to ofuscate secrets.
- Use concurrency, logs, functional programming and other resources of Golang.
- Connect to Git servers, SSH remote servers, etc.
- Easy to integrate with Github, Gitlab, Cloud and other tools.
How to create a pipeline
Create a module and install the library:
go mod init gocicd-sample && go get -u github.com/acoronadoc/cicd
Create your first pipeline(script.go):
package main
import (
const repoURL = "git@github.com:acoronadoc/test-repo.git"
const repoBranch = "main"
const repoKey = "./key"
func main() {
cicd.PipeWaitForCommit(repoURL, repoBranch, repoKey, 10),
&cicd.RepoPipe{Action: func(state *map[string]interface{}) {
log.Println("Download Commit", (*state)["COMMITID"])
cicd.ExecuteCommand("rm", []string{"-R", "-f", "./repo"}, []string{})
cicd.GitCloneSSH(repoURL, repoBranch, "./repo", repoKey)
cicd.ExecuteCommand("docker", []string{"stop", "app1"}, []string{})
cicd.ExecuteCommand("docker", []string{"rm", "app1"}, []string{})
cicd.ExecuteCommand("docker", []string{"run", "-d", "--name", "app1", "-p", "8080:80", "nginx:1.27-alpine3.20"}, []string{})
cicd.ExecuteCommand("docker", []string{"cp", "./repo/index.html", "app1:/usr/share/nginx/html/index.html"}, []string{})
You have more samples here.
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