
Rafael Andrade
Rafael Andrade

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Brighter – .NET Framework for building messaging app

If you need to .NET build an app that requires a queue/stream, Paramore. Brighter is an excellent option, it's based on enterprise integration patterns. It's very versatile, and it has a lot of useful packages like distributed lock and outbox patterns.


In this project I’ll show how to send and consume a message using Brighter with RabbitMQ, you will need a podman (to run RabbitMQ) and .NET 8 or 9


For this project, it’s necessary to install these packages

  • Paramore.Brighter.ServiceActivator - Allows you to consume messages

  • Paramore.Brighter.ServiceActivator.Extensions.DependencyInjection - Useful method to register Brighter 

  • Paramore.Brighter.ServiceActivator.Extensions.Hosting - Add support startup message consumer in the background

  • Paramore.Brighter.MessagingGateway.RMQ - RabbitMQ package


All messages in Brighter need to implement the IRequest interface.
Brighter has a concept of Event & Command on the messages, where a command you have only one consumer and it allows to reply to the request and events are something that has already happened and can be handled by multiple consumers.

public class Greeting(Guid id) : Event(id)
    public string Name { get; set; } = string.Empty;
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Handlers are the consumer part of the app, where we can consume a message in an async or sync way.

public class GreetingHandler : RequestHandler<Greeting>
    private readonly ILogger<GreetingHandler> _logger;

    public GreetingHandler(ILogger<GreetingHandler> logger)
        _logger = logger;

    public override Greeting Handle(Greeting command)
        _logger.LogInformation("Hello {Name}", command.Name);
        return base.Handle(command);
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Message mapper

On Brighter, we have a concept of Message (Header and Body) this decouple allows you to have multiple ways to serialize the messages, like for message A serialize using Json, for message B gRPC etc. Another advantage is it allows us to use one type internally before sending a map to another structure. For this project let's use a JSON serializer.

public class GreetingMapper : IAmAMessageMapper<Greeting>
    public Message MapToMessage(Greeting request)
        var header = new MessageHeader();
        header.Id = request.Id;
        header.TimeStamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
        header.Topic = "greeting.event";
        header.MessageType = MessageType.MT_EVENT;

        var body = new MessageBody(
            JsonSerializer.Serialize(request, JsonSerialisationOptions.Options)

        return new Message(header, body);

    public Greeting MapToRequest(Message message)
        return JsonSerializer.Deserialize<Greeting>(message.Body.Bytes)!;
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Register Brighter

For the next step, we need a HostBuilder where we are going to register Brighter using the AddServiceActivator, passing our subscription (message consumers).

     .AddServiceActivator(opt => {});
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Then we have 2 options, register everything manually

     .AddServiceActivator(opt => {})
     .Handlers(register => register.Register<Greeting, GreetingHandler>())
     .MapperRegistry(register => register.Register<Greeting, GreetingMapper>());
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or use the AutoFromAssemblies, so Brighter will scan all assemblies and register them

     .AddServiceActivator(opt => {})
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We need to setup the RabbitMQ connection and pass it to ChannelFactory & ProducerRegistryFactory.

var rmqConnection = new RmqMessagingGatewayConnection
  AmpqUri = new AmqpUriSpecification(new Uri("amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672")),
  Exchange = new Exchange(""),
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With this connection, we need to set a publication, for this project let's keep it simple by creating the queue if it does not exist (MakeChannels = OnMissingChannel.Create) and setting the queue name (with Topic property)

var rmqConnection = new RmqMessagingGatewayConnection
  AmpqUri = new AmqpUriSpecification(new Uri("amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672")),
  Exchange = new Exchange(""),

services.AddServiceActivator(opt => {})
  .UseExternalBus(new RmqProducerRegistryFactory(rmqConnection,
     new RmqPublication[]
          MakeChannels = OnMissingChannel.Create,
          Topic = new RoutingKey("greeting.event"),
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The last part is setting up a consumer (queue subscription) and we configure it on AddServiceActivator by setting Subscriptions & Channel properties

services.AddServiceActivator(opt =>
   opt.Subscriptions = new Subscription[]
      new RmqSubscription<Greeting>(
        new SubscriptionName("paramore.example.greeting"),
        new ChannelName("greeting.event"),
        new RoutingKey("greeting.event"),
        makeChannels: OnMissingChannel.Create),

   opt.ChannelFactory = new ChannelFactory(new RmqMessageConsumerFactory(rmqConnection));
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Publishing a message

Now we have everything set we can publish a message by

var processor = host.Services.GetRequiredService<IAmACommandProcessor>();
processor.Post(new Greeting(Guid.NewGuid()) { Name = "hello"});
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Brighter is a nice framework, but it requires knowledge of enterprise integration patterns to understand the configuration of some Brighter design choices. I'm going to do more articles talking about enterprise integration patterns and Brighter.


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