DEV Community

Adnan Babakan (he/him)
Adnan Babakan (he/him)

Posted on

What is the most difficult thing to explain to a non-dev?

Hey there community!

I thought it might be a good discussion case to ask you what is the most diffult aspect of prorgamming or programming related things to explain to a non-dev that you have encountered?

Top comments (5)

mdamaceno profile image
Marco Damaceno • Edited
  • What do you do?
  • I'm a programmer. (me)
  • What is a programmer?
  • A person who makes software? (me)
  • Software?
  • Yes, a program that computers run. (me)
  • Can you fix my phone/facebook/laptop/instagram?
  • ... (me)
adnanbabakan profile image
Adnan Babakan (he/him)

This is one of the most common ones and yet one of the most legendary ones. LOL

ghost profile image

How broad and complex it is, knowing how to code is as vague as knowing how to build "stuff".


That I don't know how to fix their Windows PC (I don't use Windows) nor their iPhone and that I have no clue about Twitter, Facebook and stuff like that. Any technical knowledge will help to understand faster any of those but still doesn't mean I can instantly know how to work with them.

I guess is not exclusive to code tho, I'm an engineer so for years that made me immediately expert in bridges, I'm not THAT kind of engineer :D

thatonejakeb profile image
Jacob Baker

Why I can’t just do a list of chores when I work from home 😶

ianrathbone profile image
Ian Rathbone

Why things take so long to do