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Ultimate ChatGPT Resource Guide - ChatGPT Tutorial

Adrian Twarog on January 07, 2023

ChatGPT is the latest from OpenAI in terms of what Artificial Intelligence brings to the table to change the future. I've put together several vi...
hellosimplerick profile image

This is a monster amount of work and effort, thanks for doing this, Adrian. But one has to ask: Is this really Adrian or a ChatGPT Bot that is doing all this work FOR Adrian while the REAL Adrian is sipping margaritas on a beach along the Gold Coast.
( Sorry, I couldn't resist, well done indeed!)

adriantwarog profile image
Adrian Twarog

Damn you've figured it out!

jrmarqueshd profile image
Junior Marques

Thank you very much for this content!

adriantwarog profile image
Adrian Twarog

You're welcome!

lvieira268 profile image
Letícia Vieira

I'm a fan of your work

adriantwarog profile image
Adrian Twarog

Thanks, I do what I can!

imarty profile image

Thanks, a lot for this chatgpt content your created 👏

adriantwarog profile image
Adrian Twarog

It's what I do!

willaiem profile image
Damian Żygadło

Sadly, this is such a low-effort content that I would never pay even a dime for it.

adriantwarog profile image
Adrian Twarog

To each their own, I spent over one month, one week and one day making them, but its for those who want to save their own time! Time is value after all!

bretbernhoft profile image
Bret Bernhoft

Do you agree that ChatGPT (and other AIs like it) have already transformed the world of Web Development? I have seen such a sudden and overt adoption of these technologies by Developers in recent weeks.

I personally feel these tools are priceless.

rohansingh profile image
Rohan Singh

Really loved the way ChatGPT explained and it helped me a lot to understand what is ChatGPT and its working. Recently I went through a guide which covered all aspects about ChatGPT, use cases and working and many more. You can also look at here:

mattchavant profile image
Matt Chavant

Your videos are awesome and great content!
I've been a fool and got scammed that put fake telegram ID in your comments. No worry I'm not going to ask you for refund, this is not y our fault.
Maybe if there are link to a discord link or discuss with anyone using the starter kit?

legaciespanda profile image
Ernest Obot

Amazing 🤩🤩🤩🤩. Tks so much

pizofreude profile image

Awesome content, cheers mate!

igibsonconor profile image
Conor Gibson

I'm just studying this AI. I will definitely add this post to my favorites and enjoy watching all your videos.

elleollanas profile image

Really helpful and valuable content for those who didn’t not get the gist of it🧡 Thanks! Loved the video as well🎉

hartley94 profile image

Informative content. thank you.