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Useful JS functions you aren't using:

Aaron Eiche on March 28, 2017

I learned Javascript the hard way: I stumbled into web development and kept on stumbling my way through the stack until I could program competently...
revent profile image
Roberts Guļāns

one could even change this:
arr2 ={return a.replace(/a/gi,"b")});
to ES6 syntax:
arr2 = => a.replace(/a/gi,"b"))

joeymink profile image
Joey Mink

Somewhat related -- if you're lazy like me, you might use map() simply to act on each item in the array (ignoring the fact that map creates a returns a new array). Don't do that! Use forEach() 👍

mantasmarcinkus profile image
Mantas Marcinkus

Just an addition to your article that I missed. One of the most important .map properties is that it returns a new array, it doesn't mutate current array. This is particularly useful in React/Redux, or where you want your objects to safely persist state.

zakius profile image

I always find explicit for (or at least foreach) much are readable than all the different syntaxes of map appearing in different languages. Often It's better to explicitly write line or two more than to use fancy shorthands, especially if the codebase might get visited by juniors

revent profile image
Roberts Guļāns

its more apis to learn (map, find, some, every, filter, reduce) than just for-loop, but one you have done that and know where and why which function to use, value is huge.

Code speaks to you and just by reading one word you know intent what is supposed to happen. for-loop lacks such expressiveness, one have to dig into for-loop's body to understand why loop exists, what is doing.

And immutability on its own makes code so much easier to understand.

Fact that juniors also works on a project shouldn't sacrifice projects quality

maxart2501 profile image
Massimo Artizzu

On the contrary, juniors should get to know the FP side of languages like JavaScript as soon as possible. And the concepts behind it, like purity and immutability.

llexical profile image

Really important: Array.[map | find | some | every | filter | reduce]() key functions to handling arrays in easy, readable ways. It saves you a lot of hassle and a lot of ugly loops!

maxart2501 profile image
Massimo Artizzu

Another addition is that methods like map (and also forEach, every...) do not iterate over empty items. For example: new Array(5).forEach(console.log) doesn't print anything, so beware!

Note: it doesn't mean they don't iterate over undefined values. Just empty, pristine slots that hasn't been assigned a value yet.

So if you're thinking you could use new Array(n).forEach(fn) to execute fn n times, you're out of luck. Also, that would generate a throwaway array, so it's sub-optimal. Use for for that.

(There's also this trick: Array.from({ length: 3 }).forEach(console.log). It works, but it's kind of jarring. Again, I don't recommend doing that.)

Others already pointed out that map returns a new array. Good for immutability!

tiffengineer profile image

Just so I'm clear as a junior: map() does not mutate an array just makes a new one?

aeiche profile image
Aaron Eiche

Correct, returns a new array that will not mutate your old one.

You could conceivably alter your original array while in the function executing on a key, but then you're out of the realm of using

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tiffengineer profile image

I was about to ask if you meant a key as in an index in the array. I forgot that Arrays are objects in JavaScript, as pretty much everything else. But still, I am not sure what you mean by the function executing on a key.