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Agit Rubar Demir
Agit Rubar Demir

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Have you encountered a variable named "clazz" in Java before? πŸ‘€

It is quite common to use the β€œclazz” variable name among Java developers, and you can probably encounter this variable in many projects.

So why β€œclazz”? πŸ€”

StackOverflow has a lot of talk and debate about this. Because the word "class" is a reserved word in Java, developers are looking for an alternative that means the same thing but does not overlap in the code. Thus, the use of β€œclazz” has become widespread. This method both makes the code cleaner and more readable and prevents future complexities.

If you also encounter "clazz" in Java projects, remember that this is not a typo, but actually a conscious choice.

πŸ”— Many developers have shared their experiences on the details of this topic in StackOverflow:

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