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Discourse Monthly New Sign-ups

Here is my note on how to get the number of new sign-ups for a discourse forum.


As a developer advocate, I oversee our developer forum that is hosted using Discourse platform.

For a monthly metric report, I need to determine how many new sign-ups we have for the prior month.

Surprisingly, it is tedious to get this number.

Bookmarklet Method

I created a bookmarklet that will generate the URL to the Discourse Admin Report with the correct parameters.

📝 Make sure to update the discourseDomain variable with your Discourse domain.

javascript: (function () {
  const discourseDomain = '';
  const formatDate = (date) => {
    const year = date.getFullYear();
    const month = (date.getMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, '0');
    const day = date.getDate().toString().padStart(2, '0');
    return `${year}-${month}-${day}`;
  const todayDate = new Date();
  const firstDayPrevMonth = new Date(todayDate.getFullYear(), todayDate.getMonth() - 1, 1);
  const lastDayPrevMonth = new Date(todayDate.getFullYear(), todayDate.getMonth(), 0);
  const startDate = formatDate(firstDayPrevMonth);
  const endDate = formatDate(lastDayPrevMonth);
  const url = `https://${discourseDomain}/admin/reports/signups?end_date=${endDate}&mode=table&start_date=${startDate}`;
  console.log(url);, '_blank');
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Zapier Method

Here is the Zapier workflow I created to get a monthly Slack post with the sign-up count.

1. Every Month in Schedule by Zapier

  • App: Schedule by Zapier
  • Event: Every Month
  • Step details
    • Day of the Month: 1
    • Time of Day: Noon

2. Change Date Format to YYYY-MM-DD (for Schedule by Zapier's "Pretty Date" field)

  • App: Formatter by Zapier
  • Event: Date / Time
  • Step details
    • Transform: Format
    • Input: 1. Pretty Date: Nov 6, 2023
    • To Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    • To Timezone: UTC
    • From Format: MMM D, YYYY
    • From Timezone: UTC

3. Run Javascript in Code by Zapier

  • App: Code by Zapier
  • Event: Run Javascript
  • Step details
    • Input Data
    • todayDate: 2. Output: 2023-11-06
  • Code:

    // Set the discourseDomain variable to your Discourse domain
    const discourseDomain = '';
    // Extract the day, month, and year from the todayDate string
    let day = inputData.todayDate.slice(8, 10);
    let month = inputData.todayDate.slice(5, 7);
    let year = inputData.todayDate.slice(0, 4);
    // Convert the day, month, and year to numbers
    day = Number(day);
    month = Number(month);
    year = Number(year);
    // Calculate the prior month
    let priorMonth = month - 1;
    // If the prior month is 0, set the prior month to December (12) and decrement the year
    if (priorMonth == 0) {
      priorMonth = 12;
    // Initialize variables for the first day and last day of the month
    let firstDay = 1; // Set the first day of the month to 1
    let lastDay = 31; // Most months have 31 days
    // Determine the number of days in the prior month (April, June, September, and November have 30 days)
    if (priorMonth == 4 || priorMonth == 6 || priorMonth == 9 || priorMonth == 11) {
      lastDay = 30;
    // If the prior month is February, check if it's a leap year
    if (priorMonth == 2) {
      if (year % 4 == 0 && (year % 100 != 0 || year % 400 == 0)) {
        lastDay = 29;
      } else {
        lastDay = 28;
    // Format the prior month, first day, and last day as strings in YYYY-MM-DD format
    priorMonth = priorMonth.toString().padStart(2, "0");
    firstDay = firstDay.toString().padStart(2, "0");
    lastDay = lastDay.toString().padStart(2, "0");
    // Combine the prior month, first day, and last day with the year to get the full date
    const start = `${year}-${priorMonth}-${firstDay}`;
    const end = `${year}-${priorMonth}-${lastDay}`;
    // Generate the REST API Endpoint URL
    const endPoint = `https://${discourseDomain}/admin/reports/signups.json?end_date=${end}&mode=table&start_date=${start}`
    // Set the output in the format that Zapier expects
    output = { url: endPoint};

4. Get Request in Webhooks by Zapier

  • App: Webhooks by Zapier
  • Event: GET
  • Step details
    • URL: 3. Output: url
    • Query String Params: blank
    • Send As JSON: no
    • Unflatten: yes
    • Headers
    • Api-Key: your_discourse_api_key
    • Api-Username: your_discourse_username

5. Run Javascript in Code by Zapier

  • App: Code by Zapier
  • Event: Run Javascript
  • Step details:

    • Input Data
    • inputArray: 4. Report Data Y:
    • Code:
    // Split the input string into an array of numbers
    const inputArray = inputData.inputArray.split(",").map(Number);
    // Use the reduce function to sum up all the numbers in the array
    const sum = inputArray.reduce((total, num) => total + num, 0);
    // Create an output object with the sum as a property
    output = { sum: sum };

6. Send Channel Message in Slack

  • App: Slack
  • Event: Send Channel Message
  • Slack: Your Account
  • Step details
    • Channel: #your_slack_channel
    • Message Text: Last month's sign-up count: {5. Output: sum}
  • Send as a bot?: yes


I hope this demonstrates that it is pretty simple to build an automation to handle a Discourse metric.

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