DEV Community

Ahmad Tibibi
Ahmad Tibibi

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Sstyled Components Nextjs

Styled Components Nextjs

Next.js is a powerful framework built on top of React.js that enhances the development experience and performance of web applications. It provides an intuitive set of features and optimizations that streamline building everything from static sites to complex, dynamic applications. In the context of modern web development, understanding the distinction between frameworks and libraries is key. Libraries are collections of pre-written code that developers can call upon to perform specific tasks, while frameworks provide a more comprehensive approach—setting conventions, structures, and guidelines for building applications. Next.js falls into the category of frameworks, as it provides a full ecosystem for developing React applications with built-in routing, API integrations, and server-side rendering capabilities.

In this article, we will explore how to effectively leverage Styled Components within a Next.js application, enhancing our CSS-in-JS approach to styling components. If you're eager to learn more about Next.js or in need of AI tools to aid your coding journey, consider subscribing to our blog or exploring for tailored learning resources.

What Are Styled Components?

Styled Components is a popular library for styling React components. It allows developers to write CSS directly within their JavaScript or TypeScript files, using tagged template literals. This approach helps keep the styles scoped to the components, eliminating the risk of global styles leaking and affecting unrelated components. With Styled Components, you can define styles in a way that naturally aligns with your component architecture, resulting in cleaner, more readable code.

Getting Started with Styled Components in Next.js

To use Styled Components in a Next.js project, follow these steps:

  1. Install Styled Components: You can easily add Styled Components to your Next.js project using npm or yarn:
   npm install styled-components
   npm install --save-dev babel-plugin-styled-components
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   yarn add styled-components
   yarn add --dev babel-plugin-styled-components
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  1. Configure Babel: Next.js uses Babel to transpile your code, and you should configure it to include the styled-components plugin. Create or modify the babel.config.js in your project root:
   module.exports = {
     presets: ['next/babel'],
     plugins: [
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  1. Create Your Styled Components: You can now create styled components within your application. For instance, let's make a simple button component:
   // components/MyButton.tsx
   import styled from 'styled-components';

   const Button = styled.button`
     background: palevioletred;
     color: white;
     font-size: 1em;
     margin: 1em;
     padding: 0.25em 1em;
     border: none;
     border-radius: 3px;
     cursor: pointer;

     &:hover {
       background: lightcoral;

   export default Button;
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  1. Use Your Styled Component: You can then use your styled component in any of your pages or components:
   // pages/index.tsx
   import MyButton from '../components/MyButton';

   const HomePage = () => {
     return (
         <h1>Welcome to My Next.js App</h1>
         <MyButton>Click Me</MyButton>

   export default HomePage;
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Benefits of Using Styled Components with Next.js

  • CSS Isolation: Styles are scoped to individual components, preventing conflicts and making styles easier to manage.
  • Dynamic Styling: You can easily apply dynamic styles based on props or state, making it more straightforward to create responsive or interactive components.
  • No Class Name Bugs: Styled Components generate unique class names for your styles, so you don’t have to worry about naming collisions.

Next.js 13 and Beyond

With the release of Next.js 13 and the adoption of the app folder approach, using Styled Components remains a valid choice for styling. You can organize your nested routes and layouts while keeping styles encapsulated within your components. As Next.js continues to evolve, the integration of Styled Components adapts seamlessly, allowing developers to build performant applications with beautifully crafted UI.


Incorporating Styled Components into your Next.js applications allows for a modern, efficient way to manage styles alongside component logic. This synergy maximizes maintainability and readability, making your codebase cleaner and easier to work with. If you're enthusiastic about exploring more about Next.js or seeking efficient ways to learn how to code, don’t forget to subscribe to our blog or check out AI learning tools like GPTeach for tailored guidance. Happy coding!

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