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TVP - Thinnest Viable Platform

What is a TVP?

A TVP is the smallest set of features necessary to support your internal developer platform's core functions. It's about striking a balance between providing value and minimising long-term maintenance costs. Unlike the Minimum Viable Product (MVP), which focuses on initial validation, a TVP emphasises sustainable growth and scalability.

Key Differences Between MVP and TVP

  • Focus - MVP is about initial validation, while TVP is about long-term sustainability
  • Scope - MVP often involves a limited set of features, while a TVP aims to provide a foundation for future growth.
  • Maintenance - TVP prioritises features that are easy to maintain and update over time.

The Importance of a TVP for Software Testers

As a software tester, understanding the TVP concept is essential for several reasons.

  • Prioritising test cases - A TVP helps you focus on testing the core functionalities of the platform, ensuring that critical features are thoroughly validated.
  • Efficient test coverage - By understanding the platform's core components, you can design more efficient test cases that cover the most important areas.
  • Long-term test strategy - A TVP provides a framework for developing a long-term testing strategy that aligns with the platform's evolution.

Key Considerations for Building a TVP

Continuous refactoring - Regularly review and refactor the platform to ensure it remains lean and efficient.

Avoid feature creep - Resist the temptation to add unnecessary features that can complicate maintenance.

Prioritise core functionalities - Focus on testing the core features that provide the most value to developers.

Monitor platform usage - Gather data on platform usage to identify areas where improvements can be made.

By adopting a TVP approach, software testers can play a vital role in ensuring the long-term success and maintainability of internal developer platforms. By focusing on core functionalities and minimising unnecessary complexity, testers can help teams deliver high-quality platforms that meet the evolving needs of developers.

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