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Md. Al-Amin
Md. Al-Amin

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How to be a Student Expert in Postman?

Postman Student Expert

Hi, Myself Md. Al-Amin. Recent graduate with a bachelor's in Computer Science and Engineering from Daffodil International University, Bangladesh. I primarily work on Mobile Application Development, which often involves calling APIs to fetch and display data on mobile app UI. Therefore, I frequently use Postman for API testing.

Recently, I had the privilege of becoming a Student Expert in Postman. Today, I'd like to share the journey I went through to earn this badge with all of you. I believe this is an incredible program for students and developers who actively work with APIs and Postman.


Postman is an invaluable API development tool that simplifies the process of building, testing, and modifying APIs.

Now, you might be wondering, "What exactly are APIs?" APIs, or Application Programming Interfaces, are sets of rules allowing different software applications to communicate and interact. They are the backbone of modern software, enabling various services to work seamlessly.

Postman provides a platform for developers to work with APIs effectively and offers a range of student programs. These programs provide fantastic opportunities for students and educators to gain in-depth knowledge about APIs and promote API literacy in educational settings. By participating in these programs, you can enhance your skills and contribute to a better understanding of APIs in the tech community.

Postman Student Programs

Let's know my story:

As you already know, my primary focus is Mobile Application Development, and I am passionate about learning from experts worldwide. This drive to learn and grow has led me to connect with various global tech communities.

Recently, I came across an intriguing event - a comprehensive 3-day workshop titled "Postman API Fundamentals Student Expert Certification". This workshop is being organized by the Indian tech community, LetsUpgrade. The prospect of diving deep into the fundamentals of Postman API through this certification program genuinely excites me.

Postman API Fundamentals Student Expert Certification

During this enlightening 3-day workshop, one of the key takeaways was my introduction to the Postman Student Programs. Our instructor, Ali Mustufa, helped us sign up for the Postman Student Expert program and showed us how to use the self-paced Postman course. This program is special because it's not just about badges/certifications but about deeply understanding APIs.

From the beginning of this workshop, Ali Mustafa, taught us how to be part of the student program and shared the Postman student expert site.

Registration Form as Student

Once the registration process is completed, you'll be redirected to a thank-you page. From there, you can seamlessly transition to the Postman Academy website. You'll discover the "Postman API Fundamentals Student Expert Certification" course on this platform.

Postman API Fundamentals Student Expert Certification

To start learning, log in with your student registration details. While I had the opportunity to join this incredible workshop, I was able to complete the entire course in just three days. However, if you're pressed for time or eager to dive into the content, you can finish it in as little as 4.5 hours. This program is flexible, so you can learn at your own pace and schedule.

Day 01 Workshop: Postman

πŸ“… On the first day, I learned the basics of APIs, gained a solid understanding of what APIs are, and was introduced to the powerful world of Postman. I even took my first steps in making API calls using Postman!

Day 02 Workshop: Postman

πŸ“… Day two was equally enriching, focusing on more advanced topics like query parameters and path parameters and mastering the art of making POST requests. These skills are crucial for working with APIs effectively.

Day 03 Workshop: Postman

πŸ“… The third and final day was a deep dive into variables, PATCH requests, DELETE requests, and all the finer details of API interaction. This hands-on experience was invaluable.

At the end of it all, I had the opportunity to put my knowledge to the test by submitting my collection to Postman and proudly claiming my well-deserved badge. It was an eye-opening experience that expanded my knowledge of APIs and Postman.

Postman badge

This is not the end!

Earn Swag & Gift:

By completing the course & workshop, you can get an exclusive "Postman Student Expert Kit" by sharing your learning on social media like Twitter/LinkedIn.

Who doesn't love a good gift, right? So, I shared my newly acquired knowledge on Twitter and LinkedIn, using the hashtags provided during the workshop.

LinedIn Post

And guess what? I struck gold! 🌟 I won the exclusive "Postman Student Expert Kit".

Postman Student Expert Kit

I'm eagerly awaiting its arrival. I can't wait to share these goodies on LinkedIn, and of course, I'll update this post with all the swag, too! 🎁

But remember, while swag is fantastic, it's not the most important thing. What truly matters is the knowledge I gained from this experience and how it's benefiting my life.

Oh, and one more exciting thing: I've joined the Postman Official Discord group and got the student expert badge. I had to use an API call on Postman to activate this badge on Discord. Pretty cool, right? 😎

This journey with Postman has been incredible, and it's just the beginning. I'm excited to keep learning and growing in APIs and Postman. Join me on this adventure! πŸš€

Next Steps after Becoming Postman Student Expert

Top comments (4)

terry2515 profile image
Terry • Edited

Thanks for info! I agree with you that this is a great program that can help many young people earn money. However, it seems to me that this is a rather boring activity. And today there are many more interesting ways to earn money. For example, I use gambling sites, such as casinos. I usually visit their website when I want to relax after a hard week at university. This is a really great option to have fun and win some money at the same time.

alaminkarno profile image
Md. Al-Amin

Thank you for sharing your perspective! It's great to hear that you've found an activity you enjoy and that works for you. Everyone has their own preferences and ways to relax and earn. While some may find traditional programs beneficial, others like yourself may prefer more exciting options. The key is to find what fits your interests and lifestyle best. Just remember to always gamble responsibly and stay aware of the risks involved. Best of luck and enjoy your time!

krishnaagarwal profile image
Krishna Agarwal


alaminkarno profile image
Md. Al-Amin

Thanks !!!