DEV Community

How to Know You’re Ready to Apply for a Dev Job

Allison Seboldt on November 19, 2018

When I first started applying for developer roles, I did not feel ready. My knowledge of programming and understanding of the industry felt horribl...
lssweatherhead profile image
Laura Weatherhead

Great article :)

I've found from being on both sides of the recruitment fence that a lot of companies (disclaimer: my experience is mostly digital-agency-based) are willing to take a risk on developers who have not quite "cut their teeth" on major projects yet but show the incentive and motivation to get their hands dirty and learn new processes etc.

From the company's point of view, especially ones who already have an active and often experienced set of developers, taking on a junior dev can be a really good thing - it gives their middleweight developers the chance to mentor and teach, and it introduces a new set of eyes to the team that is not afraid of asking what are often quite valuable questions.

It also catches developers in that awesome cocoon moment (before they become an experienced development butterfly) and they get to bed in with a company's processes and technologies as their cornerstone tech.

I guess my point is that I definitely agree that it's always worth keeping an eye out of dev jobs, as often the company will get just as much (if not more) from your application than you will!

allison_seboldt profile image
Allison Seboldt

Yes! Passion and a good attitude go farther than hard skills. I try to tell my mentees this all the time but it always takes a while to sink in.

lmbarr profile image
Luis Miguel

I remember I applied my first job without even knowing how to git.
This is my advise: get experience as quickly as possible.

allison_seboldt profile image
Allison Seboldt


rip3rs profile image

Great read, incredible post.

Personally I don't think we are ever ready. And personally that's what is so cool about it!

Yes. Sometimes it is overwhelming, sometimes it's just to much to learn, in all my years I have never spent a day I did not learn something new and constantly feel that I don't know enough, seems that I am always at the start of the never ending road.

Yesterday Typescript was the thing, today Reason seems to be the thing, wonder what will be tomorrow!

So in my opinion the moment you realise that you are ready for a dev job, is exactly what you said, that it is when you start questioning the same thing.

I believe that introverts and or people that lack self confidence ( me :p ) might get it worst because they know they don't know everything and might scare them. What I feel today is that, THAT is what defines a "senior" from a "junior" (hate labels...), that you know that you don't know everything but will find out if needed.

allison_seboldt profile image
Allison Seboldt

Love what you said about "junior" and "senior". Totally agree!

rdumais profile image

Great article Allison!

I would like to add that new developers who may not be so confident in their abilities should maybe apply to junior positions. This seems obvious, but if you have a passion for development, a will to learn, and you are able to express that comfortably in an interview many companies will consider you because they know the can build you up. This has happened to me twice in my career and each time has been successful. A mentor and mentee relationship is common in these positions and will increase the developer's confidence significantly.

allison_seboldt profile image
Allison Seboldt

Agreed. Also, even if a company doesn't have a "junior" position open, if you build up a rapport with them you might be able to create your own position.

rachelsoderberg profile image
Rachel Soderberg

I was discouraged early on because I heard similar advice before I finished college - everyone said I needed to "come up with projects and build them". The building them wasn't the hard part, it was the coming up with them. I'm probably not the only software developer who does terribly with a completely open-ended assignment like "just build something" due to what may be a lack of creativity, or I don't know what, but I found it to really frustrate and almost turn me away from being a developer altogether.

I found my first development job with no personal projects to show, but I did have some algorithms and problems I had solved on HackerRank and the project I had to do for my Junior-Senior years capstone project. I was able to do a sufficient job at the coding assignment they gave me, so that was in my favor (I showed I could do projects, just not find inspiration myself). I found my second software development job with only the small amount of experience from the first job (I moved cities) and the other educational projects I mentioned.

I realize you said this isn't a "be all end all" list to getting software development jobs, but I wanted to put myself out there as an example to those who may be in the same position I was in about a year and a half ago when I started seeking my first software job out of college because reading this probably would have discouraged me. You don't NEED a fancy, dynamic self-built blog and resume page and a set of other projects that you've built and released on the Android/Apple stores. If you can demonstrate that you have the skills they need - especially soft skills like communication - your potential employer will likely overlook your "lacking" project portfolio.

waqardm profile image
Waqar Mohammad

Great post Allison. Thanks. It’s probably the best post I’ve read on the subject.

allison_seboldt profile image
Allison Seboldt

Hey thanks! I'm glad to hear this content is useful 😊