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Coding like a sick for none

Hi all.

This is my first post.

I am Spaniard/Catalan/Whatever (human in the end), so sorry for my English.

I want to create a damned CMS (which stands for Content Management System) in Node.js and MySQL.

I am creating little modules for npm to compose a little framework to create and manage web applications. My stack is Node.js + Express + MySQL.

I have calculated around 20 APIs needed to do this.

The framework will be released under WTFPL. This means What The Fuck Public License. So, for anyone, to anything.

If someone helped me, we maybe can do something cool for the world.

I know, I know, "there are too much CMS already, why do you reinvent the wheel?".

Well, none is enough simple and flexible to let you know exactly and play with how code is written. This one is to do that.

I am not asking for help, but yes.

I have been wanting to create a CMS since... I knew what was that badword, like 8 years ago. All I got was doubts and unconfidence, it is not easy to know exactly what to do and how when you create a CMS.

This is my Github profile.

My other dream was a full-featured and futuristic (given the state of the art) programming language that resembles to natural language, but writes JavaScript under the hood. I did it, but the big companies are into profit and money and markets and slavery, and they did not even answer (Microsoft, Google, IBM, Intel, Oracle). Okay, I do not want to remember this episode of my life, in which logic and language met each other, but nobody appreciated the effort, nor the achievement. Okay, to another thing, the world urges logic, but I am not the one to give it to them.

CMS, who wants, please, tell me something.

Top comments (2)

giorgosk profile image
Giorgos Kontopoulos πŸ‘€

I think it is a good side project but seems like a big endeavour. Perhaps you can make a start with a github repo and setup the base of it and show something like a demo or MVP for people start to get intererest in it. You have to especially show us what is the "Well, none is enough simple and flexible" that you just mentioned. Otherwise it seems like a good plan but since everyone is preoccupied on their own battles it is hard to get them to fight with you on your own battle.

Also what is this natural programming language that you are talking about ? any repo to see ?

allnulled profile image

Hello, Giorgos Kontopoulos! Thank you for your response.

The CMS is one of these long-term projects I keep in mind that takes a lot of other resources to make it possible... and I do not yet know when I will be able to centralize them. Right now, it is not ready.

On the other hand, the language I created, NaturalScript, has its tests in Reddit:

Test 1:

Test 2:

Test 3:

Test 4:

That project is not continued basically because I got to far from the population, and it made me see that humans are greedy animals lost in their own misunderstood existencialism, and I do not want to be the one to say, over and over, that things are easier than the world they plan to create only to enslave themselves mutually. No, I am not the one. I just did what I knew it had to be done: a natural scripting programming language based on JavaScript. Microsoft, Oracle, Google, IBM and Intel did not answer, so fuck them, and fuck the language too.

But it was cool, far cooler than JavaScript. And I LOVE JavaScript.

Thank you for asking friend.