DEV Community

Almatin Siswanto
Almatin Siswanto

Posted on

Install NerdFont (or any fonts) using the command line in Debian (or other Linux)

I need to install the NerdFonts since I have been installing LazyVim recently. After doing some research, I found that the convenient way to install it was using the command line. Here are the steps.

  1. Go to the NerdFonts website in the download section, then choose the font that you want to install.
  2. Right-click on the download button and Copy the link address menu (depends on what browser you are using, the point is to get the font link)
  3. Open your terminal
  4. Copy this command then update the font link with the link that you just copied.
wget -P ~/.local/share/fonts \
&& cd ~/.local/share/fonts \
&& unzip \
&& rm \
&& fc-cache -fv
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

And thatโ€™s it. It will download and install the fonts for you.

Then, you can reload your LazyVim to see the effect.

I hope you found this post useful. Cheers!

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