I need to install the NerdFonts since I have been installing LazyVim recently. After doing some research, I found that the convenient way to install it was using the command line. Here are the steps.
- Go to the NerdFonts website in the download section, then choose the font that you want to install.
- Right-click on the download button and Copy the link address menu (depends on what browser you are using, the point is to get the font link)
- Open your terminal
- Copy this command then update the font link with the link that you just copied.
wget -P ~/.local/share/fonts https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/releases/download/v3.0.2/JetBrainsMono.zip \
&& cd ~/.local/share/fonts \
&& unzip JetBrainsMono.zip \
&& rm JetBrainsMono.zip \
&& fc-cache -fv
And thatโs it. It will download and install the fonts for you.
Then, you can reload your LazyVim to see the effect.
I hope you found this post useful. Cheers!
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