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Anadu Godwin
Anadu Godwin

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Learn Docker in Plain English

This post is written to help beginners who are struggling with the overwhelming terminologies used in Docker. If you're just getting started and find Docker concepts confusing, you're in the right place!

If you're reading this, you probably have an interest in understanding Docker. In this post, I’ll explain Docker's basic terms in plain English to make it easier for you to grasp.

What is Docker?

Docker is a tool that helps create and run environments for software. Think of it as a magic box where you can build, share, test, and run applications. It makes working with software faster, easier, and more reliable. And it makes environments easily recreatable.

Docker in aplin english

Key Terms in Docker

Docker Engine
Imagine Docker as a car and Docker Engine as the car's engine. It’s the core technology that powers Docker. It’s open-source and handles everything behind the scenes.


A container is like a small box that holds everything needed to run an application—code, tools, libraries, and settings. It's lightweight and works the same way across different computers.


A volume is a storage space created by Docker where you can save data. It ensures your data isn’t lost when the container is stopped or deleted. Think of it as a shared folder between your application and your computer.

Docker Hub

Docker Hub is like an online app store but for Docker images (pre-configured environments). It allows users to store, share, and download Docker images. Think of it like GitHub or a cloud storage service like Google Drive.

Docker Daemon

The Docker Daemon is like a butler that listens for instructions from the user and carries them out. It manages Docker containers, images, and networks.

Docker Client

The Docker Client is the main way you interact with Docker. It’s usually a command-line tool where you type instructions (commands) to tell Docker what to do.

Docker Desktop

Docker Desktop is the graphical version of Docker. It’s a user-friendly application for those who prefer clicking buttons over typing commands. It simplifies using Docker and makes it more visual.


Docker might seem overwhelming at first, but with plain English explanations, it becomes much easier to understand. Start with the basics, experiment, and don't be afraid to make mistakes. With time, you'll become comfortable using Docker and see how powerful it is for software development.

Feel free to ask any questions or share your experiences with Docker in the comments!

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