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Health Assistant App

This is a submission for the GitHub Copilot Challenge : Fresh Starts

What I Built

New Beginnings make us realize how important our life is. It brings new opportunities everyday and taking care of our health ensures a happier and prosperous life. Hence I have built a health assistant app that provides suggestions to improve your health based on your food intake, water intake, sleep patterns and exercise routine. There is also a video to motivate you on how to resist temptations.
Credits to video:
TheHealthNerd Youtube Channel


Copilot Experience

I prompted copilot to help me add colors and decorations to my application. It also helped in utilizing streamlit ,(which I am new to) to add videos, background color and font-color. The best part about Github Copilot is its autocomplete feature, inline chat feature and its chat feature.


I have had one of the best experiences while working on this project. Github Copilot's autocomplete and inline chat have been very helpful and accelerated my coding journey throughout this project.

Eating a healthy salad

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