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The 9 types of Programmers in 2024

Andreyscott on March 30, 2024

Ah, programmers. The backbone of the digital age, and the unseen weavers of our online world. An offshoot of the Great Ape family closely related t...
mattryanmtl profile image
Matt Ryan • Edited

You forgot the Multi-hat Dev. Usually a one-man department doing all programming and IT for manufacturing.

"I need you to finish writing the firmware for the project. Also don't forget to create the user accounts in AD, set up new emails in Exchange and provision new laptops for the new sales employees."

"Did you check the integrity of both the on-prem and off-prem backups?"

"The CNC machine that uses an illegal copy of Windows 7 Embedded 100% in Mandarin won't connect to the network. Fix it"

"Can you make a plugin from scratch for our website?"

"Run an ethernet cable from the server room to a new machine in the back."

"What is an EC2 and why is it costing so much?"

"How good are you with Excel?"

"There's something wrong with the computer in shipping."

"Can I print a gif?"

"I want AI in my emails"

dumboprogrammer profile image

The chadded dev

andreyscott profile image

I'm taking notes of the ones i missed

andreyscott profile image

Oh, yeah, that's true

abbm586 profile image

Nah Matt...
this is not 'multiDev'...
you are an abused IT-Techy.
a Dev talks abt git, never backups.
Devs dont know what On-Prem, EC2 or Network means...
they never touch anything MS, like AD or Exchange.
You definately talking gibberish when you talk hardware or "installing..."

puffblende profile image
Puffblende • Edited

This comment made me register for this community. It absolutly made my day ! Haha !

jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy 🎖️ • Edited

None of the above really. I usually feel like more of a code artist-scientist. I care little for productivity or creating useful software, preferring instead to focus more on the code itself, and developing a deep understanding of languages through unorthodox, fun experimentation.

Paid work is a beneficial sideline 😉

jakubkana profile image

:D I care little for productivity or creating userful software :D

dnmyers profile image
Daniel Myers

mix of tech hater and introvert, haha

rcls profile image
OssiDev • Edited

I'm consider myself a somewhat lazy jack of all trades, while mastering a few of them. I can do everything from design and architecture, to development and finally deployment and automation.. but I spend half of the sprint just playing video games, attending one meeting a day, and then completing all my goals in a few days. Simply because there are times when it's just so boring to do the same things over and over. Or a simple thing with an overly complex tech stack.

iamkaki profile image

Hi, am new to programming but am enjoying the learning process.. could we connect maybe on LinkedIn or email? In other words, could you please be my mentor and guide in this rapidly evolving industry? My GitHub handle is IamKaki and email is

andreyscott profile image

add me on LinkedIN

sentadoensilla profile image

Whats going on Kaki?!!!
Begin with python and be careful with javascript and sons

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pinkyshelac profile image
Lisa Ziegler

Idk I’d say Python vs JS is like Lamborghini vs Toyota. I’d learn to drive on a Toyota, even if some of the features don’t do what you expect coming from C. Python is beautiful but it’s not obvious what’s going on under the hood without experience.

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sentadoensilla profile image

I gote it. buuuuuuuuttttt
node, reactJS or even VueJS explore several ways to get code run can be nightmare for a beginer. To scape a sphere's pain go from zero to javascript

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andreyscott profile image

calling a Python a Lamborghini is pretty ironic considering how slow it is because of this. I just made a post about it

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pinkyshelac profile image
Lisa Ziegler

Lol true. I wasn’t referring to speed tho, in case that wasn’t clear. As a second language coming from a highly structured or typed bg it can be confusing. As a first language to understand the basics of programming it’s more readable. I love this debate.
To any beginners out there please understand programming languages come down to preference and what fields you plan to go into. All languages were created by a human that didn’t want to write in ones and zeros and are an abstraction.
I personally wouldn’t have chosen Python as a first language bc of the limited fields it was used in but that’s changed.

pwd9000 profile image

This was a really fun post to read! Had a good chuckle as it’s so accurate. I’ll definitely say I’m the DevOps guy haha

mengzyou profile image

Maybe me too!

lnahrf profile image
Lev N.

Oh no, I’m a tech hater.

Oh well.

andreyscott profile image

same here

jeffersonrj14 profile image
RJ Jefferson

This was a really fun post to read😅😅😅

salladshooter profile image

I’m either the Fullstack Developer (closest I could get, but what about Frontend Developer?), or the Introvert.

andreyscott profile image

Maybe I will make a part 2

miketalbot profile image
Mike Talbot ⭐

I sadly think I've graduated from 10x Developer to The Ancient Coder. Damn.

andreyscott profile image

Maximum respect 👏🏽

hady_eslam profile image
Hady Eslam

A nice and fun article 😅😅😅, I think I am just the normal dude.

sentadoensilla profile image

jajajajaja (lol)
I had read this with voice over of nathional geografic
it was very funny

kred12 profile image

funny and educative post

abbm586 profile image

I think Im DevOPS...
kickass troubleshooter... 2 wks to complete a weather app :)
but I spot the bugs in your code in 20s

frankdorr35 profile image
Franklin Dorrell

I am just a wannabe.

andreyscott profile image

Most of us are

devchang profile image

So Hilarious! 😂

andreyscott profile image

Thanks, friend

pengeszikra profile image
Peter Vivo

I am Ancient Coder because I am born at 1969, big white beard also correct. VIM/NeoVIM is just my secondary IDE. I started used assembly Z80 / 8086 a lot, but that is long time ago. Now I am a wanabee AI-Powered Developer, just instead of make a program with AI, I using to make a content - in that field AI is much better, mainly if does not need so precise content.

sreno77 profile image
Scott Reno

You forgot the "programmer" who basically copy/pastes everything, refuses to work as part of the team, "knows" more than everyone else, and writes the most inefficient code while being an "Alpha Male."

jbwebtech profile image
jbwebtech • Edited

I've known some Imposter Syndrome devs who could talk the talk but then spent all day playing games, reading the news, or hovering over another dev to "help them." Except they never knew how to code anything, so they were always missing deadlines, full of excuses, and always the senior dev "helping" them that ended up doing their work. Super frustrating. They are usually short-lived.

sira profile image

Whoa this is interesting to read
getting to know the various types programmers we have
So far I have 5 of these programmers in my circle and I personally will likely say I fall under 2 the full stack developer and the introvert however I am more of an ambivert

sira profile image

Whoa this is interesting to read
getting to know the various types programmers we have
So far I have 5 of these programmers in my circle and I personally will likely say I fall under 2 the full stack developer and the introvert however I am more of an ambivert

pavelee profile image
Paweł Ciosek

this programmer is typically a back-end developer who learnt how to centre a div


Great post! 👏👏 Thank you! 🙏

urself profile image

Oh my comment was black listed, but not removed. Must be because I was FAR too honest about what you racist folks are doing. If the image you had was of a black female, you would be called "racist" in a heartbeat, but you can show an image of a white male and that's 100% okay with you all. With the ONLY image on this article being of this white male guy who you all labeled a "Tech Hater". You are all racists at

You have an anti-white double standard and when someone points it out you have to memory-hole them. Good job, you prejudicial racists.

The soft bigotry of low expectations is rampant with you all. Someone needs to call it out. You all are racists and anti-white.

andreyscott profile image

Have you ever heard the expression to a hammer everything is a nail. Look I don't know who you are or what you are so I'm not even going to assume but did it ever occur to you that this wasn't an attack?

The "white male" you are referring to is Gilfoyle a character played by the actor Martin Starr in the hit TV series Silicon Valley who was characterized in the series as a Narcissistic and atheistic software developer among other things he was quite literally one of my favourite characters in the entire show so much so that when writing the post he was the only one that came to mind because he was quite literally the perfect definition of a tech hater and someone who was paranoid about technology.

But you didn't know that did you? And instead of coming to my DM like a man and asking questions, you ran your mouth like a child.

Look I'm a lazy person and new to the blog thing if doing this means dealing with people like you then I quit.

urself profile image
Gofuk • Edited

I am sure it was a 100% coincidence that the ONE image on this ENTIRE article is of a white guy and he is labeled the "Tech Hater". You morons would NEVER put a BLACK FEMALE picture up there as a "Tech Hater" because that would be "racist", but doing it to white people is okay with you all. Specifically a white male, the one you fear and hate the most. The only racists I see here are you, team.

jcole001 profile image
Noel odira

this was a really fun read 😂😂😂

lddvlp profile image
Loïc Drouet

Miss Dev is missing :-D

andreyscott profile image

Miss Dev ?

joeldodson profile image
Joel Dodson

vim?!? Surely the ancient developer is using emacs ;)

chirahgeorge profile image

Good job hahaha

suraymaragpandit profile image
Suray Marag Pandit
