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Aneeqa Khan
Aneeqa Khan

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How to Improve the Performance of Your React Native App

React Native is a powerful framework that enables developers to build mobile applications using JavaScript and React. However, like any other framework, optimizing performance is key to delivering a smooth and responsive user experience.

This article will explore various strategies to improve the performance of your React Native app, from code optimization to using native modules.

1. Optimize Image Handling

Images are a crucial part of any mobile application, but they can also be a significant source of performance issues if not handled properly.

  • Use appropriate image formats: Choose the right image format for your needs. For example, use JPEG for photos and PNG for images with transparency. WebP is also a good option as it offers better compression without sacrificing quality.
  • Optimize image sizes: Use tools like ImageOptim or TinyPNG to compress images before including them in your app. This reduces the amount of data your app needs to load.
  • Lazy load images: Only load images when they are about to appear on the screen. Libraries like react-native-fast-image can help with this.
  • Use image caching: Ensure that images are cached properly so that they don’t need to be downloaded repeatedly.

2. Avoid Unnecessary Re-renders

Unnecessary re-renders can slow down your app significantly. Here’s how to avoid them:

  • Use PureComponent or React.memo: If your component renders the same output given the same props, use PureComponent or React.memo to prevent unnecessary re-renders.
  • Use useCallback and useMemo hooks: These hooks help you memoize functions and values so that they don’t get recreated on every render.
  • Optimize FlatList and SectionList: If you’re rendering large lists, ensure that you use FlatList or SectionList instead of ScrollView. These components only render what’s currently visible on the screen.

3. Minimize the Use of Inline Functions

Defining functions inline (within JSX) can cause unnecessary re-renders. Instead, define functions outside the render method or use the useCallback hook to memoize them.

// Bad Practice
<Button onPress={() => handlePress(} />

// Good Practice
const handlePress = useCallback((id) => {
  // handle press
}, []);

<Button onPress={handlePress} />
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

4. Reduce the Size of the JavaScript Bundle

A large JavaScript bundle can slow down your app’s startup time. Here’s how you can reduce it:

  • Use code-splitting: Split your code into smaller bundles so that only the necessary code is loaded initially. This can be achieved using dynamic imports.
  • Use tools like babel-preset-env: This tool allows you to target specific browsers or environments, which can reduce the amount of polyfill and helper code included in your bundle.
  • Optimize third-party libraries: Only import the parts of libraries that you need. For instance, if you’re using Lodash, use lodash-es and import individual functions like import debounce from 'lodash-es/debounce';.

5. Use Native Modules When Necessary

Sometimes, JavaScript alone is not enough to achieve the desired performance. In such cases, consider using native modules.

  • Write custom native modules: If you need to perform heavy computations or need access to native APIs, consider writing a native module in Swift, Objective-C, Java, or Kotlin.
  • Use pre-built native modules: Leverage existing native modules like react-native-reanimated for animations or react-native-fast-image for image handling.

6. Reduce Memory Usage

High memory usage can lead to slow performance and app crashes. Here’s how to minimize it:

  • Avoid memory leaks: Always clean up listeners and subscriptions in componentWillUnmount or useEffect cleanup functions.
  • Use shouldComponentUpdate or React.memo: Prevent unnecessary re-renders to reduce memory usage.
  • Optimize large data processing: If your app handles large data sets, consider processing them in smaller chunks or using native modules to handle the heavy lifting.

7. Profile and Monitor Performance

Regularly profile your app to identify and fix performance bottlenecks:

  • Use React Native’s built-in performance monitor: You can enable the performance monitor by shaking your device or using the developer menu in the emulator.
  • Use console.time and console.timeEnd: These functions allow you to measure the time taken by specific code blocks.
  • Leverage third-party tools: Tools like Flipper and React Native Debugger can help you monitor performance and memory usage.

8. Optimize Navigation

Navigation is a critical part of any app, and poor navigation performance can ruin the user experience.

  • Use React Navigation’s createNativeStackNavigator: This navigator is optimized for performance as it uses native stack views on iOS and Android.
  • Avoid rendering off-screen screens: Ensure that your navigation setup doesn’t render screens that are not visible to the user.
  • Minimize the use of shouldComponentUpdate or React.memo in navigation: Be cautious when using these optimizations in navigation, as they can sometimes cause unexpected behaviour.

9. Improve Animations

Smooth animations are essential for a good user experience. Here’s how to improve them:

  • Use react-native-reanimated: This library allows you to run animations on the native thread, making them much smoother.
  • Use the LayoutAnimation API: This API can be used to animate layout changes, such as adding or removing elements.
  • Minimize the use of JavaScript-driven animations: Whenever possible, use native-driven animations, as they don’t rely on the JavaScript thread and are more performant.

10. Use Hermès for Android

Hermès is an open-source JavaScript engine optimized for running React Native on Android.

  • Enable Hermès: You can enable Hermès by adding enableHermes: true in your android/app/build.gradle file.
  • Benefits of Hermès: Hermès can reduce your app’s startup time, decrease memory usage, and improve overall performance.


Improving the performance of your React Native app requires a combination of strategies, from optimizing your code and assets to leveraging native modules and tools. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can ensure that your app runs smoothly and provides a great user experience. Remember that performance optimization is an ongoing process — keep profiling, monitoring, and refining your app as it evolves.

Thank you for reading! Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn or GitHub.

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