As we approach 2025, here are seven promises (not the async kind) that I'm making to myself to help improve my TS/React/React Native development habits:
1. I will stop using console.log('wtaf 🫠')
I confess that using console.log('test1')
, console.log('test2')
, console.log('aaaarghhhhhhduhsufh')
may no longer be the best debugging strategy and I really should start using React Native DevTools!
2. I will not ignore my TypeScript errors by using :any
I admit that adding :any
to silence my TypeScript errors is the development equivalent to 'New phone, who dis?' 😶🌫️
3. Like my wardrobe, I will do a better job at cleaning up my useEffects
and stop using [ ] as a dependency, which is basically like shoving everything into my wardrobe before guests arrive. It's all dandy until you open the door and everything falls out #MemoryLeak🚰.
4. I will not use the React Compiler as an excuse to stop improving my understanding of how to use the useMemo & useCallback hooks.
Let’s be honest: using useMemo to optimize performance is like almond milk — trendy but expensive. Unless you’re “lactose intolerant” (or, to be technically correct, actually dealing with expensive computations), it often introduces unnecessary overhead without delivering meaningful performance improvements.
5. I will test on real devices!
So this means for Amazon Auto, I need a car right? 🏎️
6. I will stop using the SafeAreaView as a bandaid 🩹
Okay so wrapping every single component in SafeAreaView isn't going to fix my layout issues. Or is it? 😏
(For all my React Native TV developers)
7. I will stop treating my focus bugs 🐛 as features
Because I don't think I can convince my designer "pressing the back button three times to reach the menu" will become a really cool new UX pattern.
P.S. We all know I'll break at least three of these. But hey, like my going to the gym resolution, it still counts if I wear the my workout clothes while coding, right?
Disclaimer: I should clarify that I've obviously never made any of these mistakes. Any resemblance to actual coding practices is purely coincidental, and my manager should definitely not check my git history. 👀
What are your Re(act)solutions?
Top comments (3)
Anisha, this is a fun read. I will make sure you stay accountable for all these in 2025
8. Not writing tests 🙊
That might be for 2026 😶🌫️