Cloudflare has a free plan account, and it provides a lot of features in the free plan. If you already use Cloudflare, do not worry; I assure you will find this blog useful; if not, you surely will. If you need help in any of the cloudflare setup contact me on
Features to use.
- Use a cloudflare tunnel to host your website from your local infrastructure.
- Use cloudflare for your domain to protect from DDoS attack and Hide real server IP
- Create an email address from your domain. eg
- and a lot more...
- Create a Cloudflare account.
- Change your domain nameserver to cloudflare. and DONE
We shall talk about 2 specific things in this blog. Tunnel and How Cloudflare Protects from DDoS Attack and Hides Real Server IP.
Cloudflare Tunnel
Cloudflare connects to your infrastructure from their infrastructure using TCP Tunnel
technology. So you do not need a public IP address, just your infrastructure should be connected to the internet, and it will work.
cloudflare have very clear docs for getting started
check it out.
Protection from DDoS attacks and hiding real server IP.
Cloudflare uses a TCP proxy server, which receives requests from clients and forwards the request to the real server. It forwards requests and responses back and forth, hiding the real ip of the server.
When creating the DNS record remember to turn on this proxy button and you will be good to go
Cloudflare is awesome and free; make use of it. If you need any setup help in any part, react me out on twitter
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