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Anjali Gurjar
Anjali Gurjar

Posted on dev interview Question

If you're interviewing for a Senior Software Developer (Node.js) profile, interviewers will likely ask both conceptual and practical questions about JavaScript and Node.js. Here’s a categorized list of important Node.js interview questions along with advantages of JavaScript and Node.js that you should be prepared for.

1. JavaScript and Node.js Advantages Questions

JavaScript Advantages

Asynchronous & Event-Driven – How does JavaScript handle asynchronous operations?

Single-threaded with Non-blocking I/O – How does the event loop work in JavaScript?

Lightweight & Fast – How does V8 optimize JavaScript performance?

Cross-Platform – How can JavaScript run on different platforms?

Node.js Advantages

Non-blocking I/O & Event-Driven Architecture – How does Node.js handle concurrent requests?

Microservices & API Development – Why is Node.js suitable for building APIs and microservices?

Scalability – How can you scale a Node.js application horizontally and vertically?

Rich Ecosystem (NPM Packages) – How does Node.js leverage npm for rapid development?

Real-time Applications – Why is Node.js a good choice for WebSockets and real-time apps?

Stream-based Processing – How does Node.js handle file streaming efficiently?

2. JavaScript Core Questions

Fundamentals & Advanced Concepts

  • Explain event loop, call stack, and task queue in JavaScript.
  • What is the difference between var, let, and const?
  • Explain shallow copy vs deep copy in JavaScript.
  • How does prototype-based inheritance work in JavaScript?
  • What are closures and how do they work?
  • Explain hoisting in JavaScript.
  • What is debouncing and throttling in JavaScript?

Asynchronous JavaScript

  • Difference between callback, promises, and async/await.
  • How does Promise.all() differ from Promise.race()?
  • What happens if you use await in a forEach loop?
  • How to handle multiple async operations efficiently?

3. Node.js Core Questions

Architecture & Core Concepts

  • Explain how Node.js is single-threaded yet handles multiple requests concurrently.
  • What is the difference between process.nextTick() and setImmediate()?
  • What is the role of the event loop in Node.js?
  • How does Node.js handle child processes?
  • Explain the Cluster module and how it helps in scaling.
  • What is worker threads in Node.js, and when should you use them?

File System & Streams

  • How does fs module work in Node.js?
  • Difference between readFile() and createReadStream()?
  • How does streaming improve performance in Node.js?

Error Handling

  • Difference between try-catch vs process.on('uncaughtException')?
  • What is the best way to handle async errors in Node.js?
  • Explain how to use domain modules for error handling (deprecated concept)?

Performance Optimization

  • How can you increase performance in a high-load Node.js application?
  • What are best practices for memory management in Node.js?
  • How does Garbage Collection work in Node.js?
  • How to debug memory leaks in Node.js?

4. Express.js and Middleware

  • What is middleware in Express.js?
  • How does Express handle routing?
  • Difference between app.use() and app.get()/
  • How does error-handling middleware work in Express?
  • What is CORS, and how do you enable it in Express?
  • How does rate limiting work in Express.js?

5. Database & ORM (SQL & NoSQL)

  • How does Node.js interact with SQL and NoSQL databases?
  • What is the difference between Sequelize, TypeORM, and Mongoose?
  • What are database connection pooling and best practices in Node.js?
  • Difference between ACID vs BASE in databases?
  • How do you prevent SQL injection in Node.js?

6. Security Best Practices

  • How do you prevent Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) in Node.js?
  • How do you prevent SQL Injection in a Node.js API?
  • Explain Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) and how to configure it.
  • What are JWT tokens, and how do they work in authentication?
  • How do you handle rate limiting & brute-force attacks in Node.js?

7. Microservices & WebSockets

  • How would you design a scalable microservices architecture in Node.js?
  • Explain how WebSockets work in Node.js.
  • What is the role of Redis in microservices?
  • How do you implement message queues (Kafka, RabbitMQ, Redis Pub/Sub)?

8. Caching & Performance

  • How does Redis improve performance in Node.js applications?
  • What is lazy loading vs eager loading in database queries?
  • How does Node.js handle high-throughput applications efficiently?
  • Explain caching strategies in Node.js (in-memory, Redis, CDN, etc.).

9. DevOps & CI/CD

  • How would you deploy a Node.js application on AWS/Docker/Kubernetes?
  • What is the best way to manage environment variables in Node.js?
  • How do you handle logging & monitoring in a Node.js application?
  • Explain how PM2 helps in process management.

10. System Design Questions

  • How would you design a real-time chat application using Node.js?
  • How do you scale an API that handles millions of requests per second?
  • How would you implement load balancing in a Node.js application?
  • How would you design a distributed job queue system?

Bonus: Hands-on Coding Questions

  • Implement a custom middleware in Express.js.
  • Implement a rate limiter using Redis in Node.js.
  • Write a Node.js function to process large files efficiently.
  • Implement an **API that caches

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