DEV Community

Ankit Rattan
Ankit Rattan

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Chat GPT === hell ?

Yesterday, I tried something new. You may have done it before, but it was my first time. I asked, or rather ordered, ChatGPT to write an entire end-to-end full-stack web application. To my surprise, it gave me all the code! I thought it looked correct, so I implemented it as-is.

What amazed me was that it didn't just provide the code—it actually guided me step-by-step. It started by outlining the entire folder and file structure, then detailed all the necessary npm/yarn installs. Folder by folder, it gave me all the solutions. I followed its instructions, implementing everything. When I finally ran npm start...

Well, it was a nightmare. Believe me, aside from the UI, nothing was working properly.

Now, some of you might say, "Just fix a few things, and it'll be fine." But I spent over an hour trying to troubleshoot and fix the issues. In that same hour, I could have completed about 40-50% of the functionality myself—without GPT.

I'm not saying GPT isn't good—it is! My point is, don't expect it to do everything for you. Human involvement is still essential—not just for now, but even in the future.

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