I want to upload multiple files from a specific folder to an AWS S3 bucket.
The S3 bucket name is test.
The directory structure is as follows.
|- file_1
|- subdirectory1
| |- file_1_1
| |- file_1_2
| |- subdirectory2
| | |- file_1_2_1
We want to end up with the following S3 objects.
- s3://test/file_1
- s3://test/subdirectory1/file_1_1
- s3://test/subdirectory1/file_1_2
- s3://test/subdirectory1/subdirectory2/file_1_2_1
resource "aws_s3_bucket_object" "test" {
for_each = fileset("./documents/", "**")
bucket = "test"
key = each.value
source = "./documents/${each.value}"
etag = filemd5("./documents/${each.value}")
- Line 1: : Create an S3 bucket object resource.
- Line 2: : Use a for_each argument to iterate over the documents returned by the fileset function. for_each identifies each instance of the resource by its S3 path, making it easy to add/remove files. The fileset function enumerates over a set of filenames for a given path. It uses ** as the pattern for a recursive search.
- Line 3: : The name of the bucket to put the files in.
- Line 4: : The objectโs name once itโs in the bucket. In the example above, it is the same as the path.
- Line 5: : the Path to the file to be uploaded.
- Line 6: : Triggers an update only if the file changes. The eTag of each object is an MD5 hash of that object.
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