DEV Community

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Anmol Baranwal
Anmol Baranwal

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List of 50+ organizations on DEV creating valuable content

It is hard to find organizations on DEV, and I've noticed that they don't receive followers that easily.

A lot of those organizations are open source.

So, I thought of creating a list of all the awesome organizations on DEV.

Please note that there is no order as each organization is good in what they do.

If you know any other organizations, just comment, and I'll add them quickly.

The only rule is that the organization must have posted at least twice (no exceptions).

Let's do it :)


List of Organizations on DEV



























































One of my first followers. Will always be grateful!





Whew! It's tough to find organizations on DEV, believe me!

I had to scroll endlessly, use keywords, and check out everyone I followed to see if they were part of any organizations.
If they were good, I added them. It took a lot of time 😵

Anyway, I love organizations because they share valuable content on specific niches. Please show your support by following them and learning more.

I hope you love this. Thank you!

If you like this kind of stuff,
please follow me for more :)
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Ending GIF waving goodbye

Top comments (9)

anmolbaranwal profile image
Anmol Baranwal

The best part is that you can quickly follow organizations here without opening their page since it's an embed. You will get instant notifications on your dashboard when they post.

By the way, which is your favorite one on the list?

Until next time :)

anitaolsen profile image
Anita Olsen

I believe The DEV Team and the one I just followed:
Byte Sized! Thank you for sharing your list with us! 😊

anmolbaranwal profile image
Anmol Baranwal

Yes, DEV team is the best!
Authors at Byte Sized are more focused on data structures and algorithms (from what I can see), definitely worth following. I follow a lot of organizations, I mean a lot!

karadza profile image
Juraj • Edited

Embedding is a really nice touch 👌
Thanks for mentioning Cyclops

nathan_tarbert profile image
Nathan Tarbert

Hey @anmolbaranwal, thanks for mentioning Wing ❤️

anmolbaranwal profile image
Anmol Baranwal

Wing definitely deserves to be on the list.
Thanks for writing awesome blogs. Really appreciate it :)

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt ☕

Oooh thanks for mention Mr. Robøt 💜
Byte Sized was a awesome moment

jwilliamsr profile image
Jesse Williams

Thanks for including KitOps! We're a big fan of the community

eunice_mapong_9130a998484 profile image

Thanks for the embedding possibility, I didn't have to visit each organization's page to follow them. Like the stuff👌🏻.

Thanks for your relentless efforts!