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Apache Answer
Apache Answer

Posted on launch! An Open Source Q&A Community Software

We are launching Alpha, an open-source Q&A community software.

Being highly scalable and modern, is an open-source knowledge-based community software with which you can efficiently build various Q&A communities, ranging from customer support to user communication.

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Having been exploring the Q&A community for over a decade, we have gained valuable experience related to community development, which we are willing to share with more organizations of various industries. Thus, we launched, a software incorporating both practical features and our thoughts on community products. not only has the basic features to build a Q&A Platform but also has many special features to help make it easier for users to participate in community contributions such as votes, reputation, and badges, etc.

It's our sincere hope that everyone can build his own community in an easy and effective way. And step by step, we gather collective intelligence and promote industry progress!

For more details, refer to official website and GitHub. Alpha Features

Q&A Platform

Help members with questions and boost community participation. Your experts are happy to contribute, verify, upvote correct info. Your info keeping up-to-date and trusted.


Use tags to organize questions and help contents into categories. They make knowledge easy to find for others. Use the search to quickly find the answer.


Configure your community with plugins and your favorite services. So that you can improve your workflow, grow your community, or make your other tools better.


We've gamified the Q&A platform with reputation and badges. So the community members and teams have fun collaborating and getting work done. Alpha Features

The features already supported in this release of Alpha are

  • Core module includes question, answer, and comment
  • Content quality control through voting
  • Reputation measures user contributions and trust levels
  • Modern design that's both desktop and mobile friendly Outlook

We plan to release v1.0.0 in December 2022, and we will next be working with the community on the following areas.

  • Optimizing the installation and configuration interface
  • Improvements to backend administration features
  • Multi-language support
  • Customized themes and styles is still under very active development. Watch on GitHub to receive updates. is just getting started and welcomes all contributions! It can be with code or documentation, issues or pull requests. For those of you who are willing to engage, let's build the community together. If you like this project, please star on GitHub.🌟🌟🌟

Top comments (3)

garrrikkotua profile image
Igor Kotua

Really nice tool! Congrats with the launch :)

monjai profile image
mon-jai • Edited

If there will be an official instance, can you make code snippets MIT/public domain licensed by default?

It is a large problem in StackOverflow. If you copy code from StackOverflow to your open source project, the license infects your whole project. You cannot legally distribute the project in any license other than CC-BY-SA.

apacheanswer profile image
Apache Answer

Thank you for your suggestion, we will consider it seriously.