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Aidas Petryla
Aidas Petryla

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Concurrent and Parallel Programming in Python (course)

Just finished an excellent course on Concurrent and Parallel Programming in Python, and I'm excited to share my experience!
As a lead engineer, I'm always looking for ways to optimize performance and expand my knowledge. This course by Max S on Udemy was a fantastic refresher on async programming, parallel computing, and threading.

What stood out:

  • Clear explanations of complex concepts
  • Practical, real-world examples
  • Hands-on coding opportunities

The instructor breaks down threading, multiprocessing, and asynchronous programming in Python with ease. We built a multi-threaded program that fetches data from the internet, parses it, and saves it to a local database - a common scenario many of us face in our daily work.

Key takeaways:

  • Optimizing IO-bound operations with multi-threading and async programming
  • Leveraging multiprocessing for CPU-bound tasks
  • Combining async and multiprocessing for maximum efficiency

Whether you're looking to speed up data processing, improve API performance, or just refresh your understanding of concurrent programming in Python, I highly recommend this course.

Have you taken any courses lately that improved your coding skills? Let's discuss in the comments!

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